EXTRA 3 - The Big Decision (BONUS CH)

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AN Hey! Here's your first bonus chapter. This one will take place a year after the Battle Of Opal. Taylor and Karlie are ready to have a child and they discuss the process. This is very fluffy...with just a liiittle smut. Okay byeee x

"Come on, slow poke!" Karlie giggles as she flies up the precarious mountain ledges. Her colossal outstretched wings give her an easy balancing tactic, and she whines for her mate to catch up. Taylor is still getting used to climbing, her new feathered appendages weighing her down instead of helping her up.

"Karls, I'm exhausted. We've been venturing up here for an hour now. Can we stop and catch our breath?"

Karlie makes a curious expression, "Where has all that vampire strength gone to?"

"You tell me," Taylor sighs and leans into the cliff face.

"All right, all right. We can take a break. But I really wanna get to the top of this thing. The leap will be incredible!"

Karlie folds her wings up and marches on over to Taylor, who's struggling to breathe. With a look of concern now, the vampire tilts her mate's chin upwards. Taylor has bags under her eyes. And she seems paler than usual. There's often a candy floss pink in her cheeks but right now she's as bloodless as a skeleton. Karlie furrows her brow in confusion, "Hey, are you feeling okay?"

Taylor manages to catch her breath for a moment, "I'm so tired, Karlie. I don't know what's happening."

"Do you need to feed or anything?" Karlie asks. "I've elk blood on my pack."

"No, no I don't think it's that," Taylor pants. "Hell, I'm just so tired."

Karlie knits her brows together once again and sits back on her knees. She watches as Taylor closes her eyes and leans back against the cliff face. That's when she sees it, the reddish hue on Taylor's chest.

"Taylor," Karlie says, deadpan.


"You're in heat."

Taylor pauses and then opens her eyes. She sits up and looks at Karlie. "I am?"

"Looks like it," Karlie says as she leans forward to brush a hand along the red blotches on Taylor's chest. They're hot to touch. "It only lasts a few days and then you bleed."

"Oh," Taylor says with a slight nod. "So I'm going to be super horny for a few days?"

"Yeah, and I'll be able to smell your hormones non stop," Karlie chuckles. "I'm surprised we haven't synced yet. How long has been since you were bitten? A year?"

"Probably," Taylor murmurs, scratching the back of her head in thought.

"And you've only started to come into heat now," Karlie hums to herself. "Don't really know why I didn't notice before. I guess I just wasn't thinking about having children."

That sentence brings an eerie silence on the two. Taylor recalls trying countless times to have kids with... Mr unmentionable. But perhaps her body is different now. Maybe now she has a chance. Taylor doesn't realise that her eyes are watering until Karlie brushes underneath them with gentle thumbs.

"We don't have to if...if the idea makes you uncomfortable." Her green eyes fall softly on Taylor's. It hurts her how she will never truly understand the pain Taylor felt every night, knowing that she could never give Desmond or any other man a child. She doesn't want to push Taylor into having a child with her if it meant more heartbreak.

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