EXTRA 4 - The Delivery (BONUS CH)

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AN I know ya wanted a boy so bad - but Karlie had a girl in the fic! I just don't have the time to think of a new scene with Taylor and a boy. Sorry!!! Maybe in a future extra? I really don't know..

After about her fourth mug of hot chocolate with double whipped cream and caramel sprinkles, Karlie decides that she has had enough of the beverage. For now. She rolls onto her back on her grand queen sized bed and sighs. She misses being able to run and fly and tackle food to the ground with her bare hands. Her sizeable stomach has pretty much prevented those things from happening the last few months.

"Karlie?" calls Taylor from the hallway. She enters the room and smiles on seeing her mate in the relaxed position. "That looks comfy," she giggles.

"I'm so bored... And I think I want another hot chocolate," Karlie murmurs.

"I think you need to give those a break for the morning," Taylor smirks. She leans down and kisses Karlie's forehead. She places a gentle hand on her mate's belly. "Gosh, I just know the minute the baby is out you're going to feel disgusted about all the junk food you've eaten."

"Well that day is not today, so call upon Cara to make me another," Karlie says, mocking regality in her voice.

Taylor rolls her eyes, "How about a fruit bowl instead? I can feed you grapes like a Greek goddess."

"Can you smother the grapes in chocolate and caramel and whipped cream?" Karlie asks as she bats her lashes up at Taylor.

"I'd really rather not," Taylor mumbles. "Ooh, was that a kick?"

"You felt that too?" Karlie smiles softly. "She's been restless today."

The two girls move their hands over Karlie's stomach, smiling warmly on feeling the little bumps and vibrations of the baby girl inside. Taylor is embarrassed to find the mere touch of Karlie's pregnant belly is enough to make her start tearing up. Karlie chuckles at the sight.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the emotional wreck here!"

Taylor giggles and sighs as she brushes away a few small tears. "I'm fine, I'm just an emotional person. You know that by now I'm sure."

"Tell me about it," Karlie huffs.

"Hey!" Taylor laughs and lightly taps Karlie's nose. "That's a bad mommy vampire."

"Do you think she'll call us both mommy? Or one of us mommy and the other mama, or something," Karlie wonders dreamily.

"I'll love either one," Taylor grins, nuzzling her face to Karlie's. "But... I do have a soft spot for Mama."

"Will we have to train the thing?" Karlie chuckles.

"If it means I get a cute little voice calling me Mama every day then yes," Taylor says with the most serious face she can muster. The two burst into a symphony of laughter.


It's fast nearing Karlie's due day. Taylor is startled by how quickly the five months went by. It sounded like a long time at the time Ella's mother informed them about vampire pregnancy. Now Karlie can barely move as she sluggishly sits herself down in her favourite cushiony armchair. She's dressed in a satiny night robe, wearing only comfortable underwear underneath. Taylor paces back and forth in front of her, not exactly dressed like a queen either. She's wearing her black work pants and her deep red shirt has three buttons undone, revealing a hint of her cleavage. It's half ten and night and she knows she isn't sleeping again. Vampires are often quite active at night. Taylor, still being more or less half human, still finds comfort in napping and sleeping long hours. She can just control it better now and knows how to save her energy. As she continues to pace and sigh Karlie grows agitated.

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