The Helper

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Of course, the ceremony has to be discussed and prepared before anything can happen. Shortly after New Years Karlie takes Taylor to see Ella, who is an expert on all things vampire related. Taylor finds that Ella is almost an expert on everything, in fact. The morning is spent discussing what is to be expected during this very special mating ceremony; and Taylor is endlessly fascinated by how much information the wise Dragon Keeper has obtained.

"I trust that the two of you are aware you're each other's mate?" Ella chuckles, keeping a scrap of writing paper on her lap as she sits in front of the two new lovers.

"Yes, we are," Karlie smiles, holding Taylor's hand as they sit beside one another.

"How are you feeling Taylor?" Ella asks, twirling a quill around her face. The morning light from the mouth of the cave is making the scene feel particularly comforting. It almost feels like a normal doctors visit. You know, in a cave and surrounded by a few baby dragons here and there. Normal.

"I'm feeling stressed... Being the Princess' mate and also the Chosen One and all that."

"I'm honoured to be in your presence, your majesty," Ella grins.

Karlie nudges Taylor's waist on hearing how Ella's addressed her. Taylor blushes slightly and smiles back at Ella.

"The Chosen One has many duties. I'd like to discuss them when your mother returns, Karlie? This situation deals solely with the Opal Mountain region."

"Of course," Karlie says with a nod.

Ella turns to Taylor. "Taylor, we'll need a few drops of your blood along with a burst of your energy."

"My energy?" Taylor repeats.

Karlie gently squeezes Taylor's hand, "We need you to give us a bit of your powers. It's for a portal spell to get the others back here quicker."

"I don't know if I can control it yet," Taylor says, shyly. "What happened back at the lake wasn't in my control. It just happened by itself."

"Perhaps the mating will have to happen sooner than we thought," Ella hums.

"Why is that?" Taylor asks.

"Once we've mated we create a bond like no other. Along with that comes more control over your powers. You will be stronger. You'll be more aware of your abilities," Karlie explains. "Mating is like a strengthening exercise."

"And Sagittarians aren't easy to please," Ella chuckles. "Taylor, would you mind giving me a blood sample today? Just so we can be ahead of ourselves?"

"Do you have syringes here?" Taylor questions, nervously.

"Afraid not", Ella says. "We can do this two ways. Karlie can extract it from you or we can use a dagger to cut your arm."

Taylor gulps. She anxiously gazes towards her mate who smiles reassuringly and intertwines their fingers.

"Karlie," Taylor says.

She is asked to remove her coat and lie on the cave floor, a large cloth underneath her to catch any spillages. Karlie's fangs are polished and cleaned as she extends them to their full length; a staggering inch of deadly bone. Ella is careful to make sure they are sharp enough to pierce Taylor's flesh. After Karlie is ready she lies down beside Taylor and kisses her cheek.

"I'm really sorry," she winces as she positions her mouth on the girl's neck.

"It's okay", Taylor whispers.

"It's gonna hurt a bit," Karlie warns.

"I have no doubt," Taylor says with an airy chuckle.

She has to stop herself from shivering when the very top of Karlie's fangs touch her bare skin. The hairs on her neck stand on end. Her heart beat quickens its pace. Surely Karlie won't have any trouble finding her veins now. Taylor sighs softly when Karlie holds onto one of her hands; her slender fingers lovingly curling around her own. Taylor closes her eyes and waits for what is to come. And before she can rethink her agreement to the situation, a sharp pain slices into her flesh. The girl's eyes widen in surprise at how intense the feeling of shock is. Her neck burns with a throbbing agony like no other. Perhaps she would have preferred a dagger to this. Five seconds later and it's all over. Taylor feels warm blood trickling from her neck when Karlie pulls away. Ella is quick to press a clean rag to the wounds whilst Karlie is extracting the blood from her fangs into a small glass bottle.

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