The Revenge

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Warning: Extreme violence and gore. Like, no mercy. Like, don't eat before this. Like, someone upgrade my therapy procedures.

"I feel like a man", Taylor grumbles.

"You should feel like a fighter, you'd never be able to fight in a dress", Karlie chuckles, sliding a knife into her tool belt.

"It's odd", Taylor mutters under her breath.

She's wearing a light brown shirt with short sleeves and a pair of dark pants with a leather tool belt holding them in place around her petite hips. Rusty coloured combat boots hug at her feet. A small mink skin satchel is clipped to her belt, holding healing medicines and creams of various colours. Taylor's hair has been scraped back into a messy ponytail. Blond, wispy curls hang around her temples.

"And I particularly like your shirt. Really shows off your biceps", Karlie grins.

"Stop teasing me", Taylor blushes. "And aren't short sleeves dangerous for combat?"

"Short sleeves makes it easier to work with things. Besides, even if the sleeves were long you'd still be in danger of getting injured", Karlie explains.

"That doesn't make me feel better at all", Taylor says, deadpan.

"Sorry", the vampire smirks and kisses her mate on the forehead. "Now, grab a fur. We're heading out and it's going to be a long night"

"Are we really going to kill Des?", Taylor asks, her voice childlike, hardly believing that this happening right at this very moment.

"You bet to hell we are", Karlie says. She heaves open the cave door and the two of them venture out into the forest, the full moon enveloping them in a silver glow.

"But I don't even know when he'll be back home. He's out with his mistress somewhere", Taylor explains, frantically.

"Where does he work in Great Valor?", Karlie inquires.

"Thomas Coal Manufacturers", Taylor says. "Edge of the city. But his mistress is in the heart of the Capitol itself. Mulberry Street, in fact"

Karlie stops walking, "How do you know all this?"

"I found out soon enough. He came home one night with a number and an address. Left them on his office desk, stupid man"

"We'll send someone to the city then. We just need to find Cara and Gee. Oh, and maybe Este"

"I'm sc-"

"Don't say you're scared. There's no time to be scared", Karlie hushes, lightly squeezing Taylor's shoulder.

Taylor leans up on her toes for a quick kiss, and Karlie gladly returns it, caressing her face in two cold hands. They pull apart and stare at each other for a few long moments. Taylor is certain that she appears the most worried. For when she looks up at Karlie, all she sees is pure bravery. But to Karlie, it's Taylor that looks the bravest right now. She's got a glint in those ocean orbs that juts screams I'm a fighter. The two girls feel endlessly safe in each other's presence. And they go in for one last, longing embrace before heading out into the now early morning. They immediately run into Alana, on her way in human form to find the two girls.

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