The Lady In Red

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Trigger Warning: - Gore - Violence
AN: Yes, Lady Gorse is Lady Gaga!.

Taylor feels at peace with herself when she strolls back home through the town that evening. She had let her mother and father know she was okay once more and hugged them both for one last time before she left. Little did they know it'd be a while before they saw her again. Taylor had even found the time to visit Ed, who had become a royal guard of the city. The deal had been sealed with Abigail. She was going to keep Taylor's secret safe. And Taylor trusts that she will keep her promise, being the lifelong friend that she is.

As the sun begins to sink beneath the hills in the distant, Taylor wonders why she is feeling so happy. Why everything around her seems lighter somehow. A certain emotion that she cannot fathom into explanation is overcoming her as the night draws closer. She shivers in her long coat. The cool air feels good against her rosy cheeks, almost as if she is used to the torturous weather of mid December. She ignores the fact that the sharp pang of the icy wind feels like satin on her skin and continues her journey home.

But as the girl saunters through the streets, she notices that odd looks are being thrown her way. These odd looks turn to a few curious villagers pretending to stroll alongside her to get a glance at her face. Taylor begins to grow uncomfortable, wondering what on earth has gotten into the townsfolk. She quickens her pace and keeps her head up as she curries passed the growing onlookers.

Suddenly, a thin, grey haired man stumbles into Taylor's path, blocking her from walking any further. Taylor gasps and then scrunches her face into an annoyed expression

"Who do you think you are? Rudely scrambling in front of me like a misbehaving dog"

The second the words leave Taylor's mouth she places a hand to her lips. She had not expected to let out such an aggressive outburst, but remains confident all the same.

And the elderly man before her seems startled. At first, Taylor thinks it is because of her disgruntled comment. But her apology is cut short by a word that still sends shivers down her spine

"Vampire!", the man screeches.

Women and children scream in terror. A few men with their wives have whipped their horses and clambered away. Taylor has not yet responded to the man's accusation.

"W-what?", she stammers. "What d-did you s-say to me?"

"Get her!", somebody screams behind the girl.

The old man in front of Taylor is shakily grabbing for her, reaching out in an unsure attempt to catch her. Taylor recoils and spins around to find a small mob of around twelve men with sharpened pitch forks from their day's farming. Some of them have a shotgun in hand. Others are simply pushing the group forward. Taylor shakes her head in confusion and frantically glances around at the danger that surrounds her. Why do these men think she's a vampire? Surely this is some sort of joke. But no, from the terrified expression on each man's face and the weapons pointed toward her, Taylor fears that this is no prank.

"Don't touch her!", a woman's voice yells over the commotion.

The mob peers about, searching for the source of the plead. They gasp and shout in horror as a dark figure descends from the sky and lands to the ground with a firm thud on it's feet in a fighting stance.


"No! What are you doing here?", Taylor exclaims, suddenly concerned for Karlie's safety and forgetting about her own.

"Stay close to me", Karlie pants, arms outstretched and ready to attack at whatever comes near.

"They think I'm a vampire", Taylor whispers.

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