The Ceremony

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AN .....Warning: extreme sexual content.

Taylor and Karlie enter their log cabin home, Taylor still bitter about the way her mate treated Hayley moments ago. Karlie stretches lazily and shuffles over to the small couch in the den. She slumps down into the furniture and pleasantly sighs.Taylor holds back an eye roll and removes her coat, throwing it onto the table just a few feet away. She decides to join Karlie on the couch and when she tries to walk passed the vampire to sit, she is playfully pulled onto Karlie's lap. Karlie attacks the girl with sweet kisses all over her soft cheeks, squeezing her tightly at the waist. Taylor tries to scold Karlie for the assault but can't contain her smile which grows wider with each tender kiss.

"What are you doing?", Taylor sighs, pressing against Karlie's chest to move her lithe figure off of her body. "You're acting so weird today".

The vampire simply shrugs and moves in for another slow kiss to Taylor's jawline. But Taylor is quick to jerk her head in the perfect position to kiss Karlie on the lips. Karlie pulls away unexpectedly and flashes Taylor a pair of deep green irises. The girl is taken away by that intense gaze. It's almost a glare, it is so deep and focused.

"Cat got your tongue?", Taylor questions the silent onlooker. She gently combs back Karlie's silky hair with her long fingers and gasps softly on finding a large lock of light brown hair amongst the mixed blonde strands. "Your hair is changing already", she comments with an amused smile.

Karlie chuckles quietly and nods. However, her pleased face soon turns to seriousness. "You heard what Ella said, right?", the vampire asks, her eyes unblinking.


"Don't be cute, you know what I'm talking about". And although Karlie's words sound harsh, there is a deep hint of anxiousness in her voice. A slight tremble. Only minuscule in detail. "We have to do this soon... We need to do this, Taylor".

"I know we do, Kar. I know this is important. And I'm ready, don't worry. I'm so ready".

The utmost sincerity in Taylor's voice sends excited chills down Karlie's spine. She smiles back at the girl and rests her forehead against her cheek.

"I'm so glad you're saying that... I just don't want you to be scared of anything".

"I'm certain the two of us will have a good time".

Karlie nods her head, almost appearing to do so as if to herself. Taylor's deep blue eyes follow Karlie's, which are lost in space.

"Are you worried I won't be good?", Taylor asks, a shy smirk on her face.

"No, I'm sure you'll be perfect! I just... I don't know, maybe I'm just nervous".

Taylor smiles warmly, a candy pink blush tinting her cheeks. The idea of Karlie being nervous over something such as this makes her heart beat just a little bit faster. Taylor holds her stare with Karlie's. They stay like this for a few moments, detecting each other's facial expressions and body language. It's like they're suddenly both alone in the universe in the best way possible. Taylor is still half propped on Karlie's lap with her arms around the taller girls waist. Karlie's arms are resting on one of Taylor's shoulders. They stare into each other and silently beg the other person to commence conversation again.

"How about tomorrow night?", Taylor gulps, slow and shaky.

She is certain that she has just said this. Her lips moved almost by themselves and those were definitely her words and her voice. The unbearable silence that follows the uttering of those four words makes the girl wonder if she really had replied to Karlie. And she is answered when the vampire gradually leans in and whispers,

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