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Third Person POV:

Nezumi and Shion were just ordinary students. Shion had top grades in almost everything except maybe PE. Nezumi on the other hand, was almost the opposite. He was sharp as a knife and as athletic as an Olympian, but his grades were far below that of Shion's. All but in English and Drama. His passion for books is what brought them closer. Despite all the differences, they were the best of friends.

They had the sort of friendship that no matter what you said or did, it wouldn't change a thing. That's where it all begun.

It started as a joke. People say 'You know you're best friends when people constantly assume you're gay for each other.' Well, that happened.

They were always together. People would spread rumours, whisper in their presence. But they didn't care. They welcomed it.

They were walking in the hallways together. Per usual, it turned practically silent, except for the whispers.

"Hey, Nezumi?" Shion said aloud. Nezumi looked at him. "Are you my Appendix? Because I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out." Shion grinned at Nezumi. The rat stared at his friend for a moment before bursting into laughter. Shion joined not long after.

"Oi, Shion!" He said, calming down, "Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass." They laughed even more. The people in the hallway just stared at them.

The next time was in English class the next day. The were sat waiting for the teacher to arrive. Nezumi nudged the white haired boy.

"You know what my shirt is made of?" He asked. The class turned to look at them. "Boyfriend material." The two began laughing and a few of the onlookers joined in too. All of a sudden, Shion fell out of his chair.

"Hey Nezumi, can you lend me a hand? I've just fallen for you and I can't get up." He said, grinning widely. They both laughed as Nezumi helped him off the floor.

The time after that, it was the next week on Monday. The two were eating their lunch in the cafeteria when Shion held out a banana, comparing it to Nezumi.

"Hey Nezumi, are you a banana?" He asked. A few people on the nearby tables stopped to watch their antics. "Because I find you a-peeling!" Nezumi chuckled.

"Damn, Shion. If being sexy was a crime you'd be guilty as charged." Nezumi said, as Shion began giggling like a little girl.

That's when the joke ended.

With every passing day, their hearts ached to see each other. With each line a blush was earned.

"Hey Nezumi!" Said Shion, grinning up at his crush, a faint blush on his cheeks. "I'm no organ donor, but I'd be happy to give you my heart." He finished his sentence, his cheeks bright red and his heart racing. He chuckled a bit, but looked away.

Nezumi's heart clenched. Even though the pick up line was awful, it made his heart race and his face heat up just hearing Shion say somewhat loving things to him.

They continued their walk to their Drama class. The rat's heart never slowed down and the white haired boy never lost his blush.

Nezumi had to do something.

"Hey Shion." He said, as the stepped into the empty classroom. Shion looked at him curiously.

Nezumi grabbed Shion's waist, pulling him closer, their bodies pressed together. "Your lips look a little lonely..." He began. He brought a hand up to Shion's chin, his thumb pulling at his bottom lip slightly. He leant in closer, touching their foreheads together.

"...Would they like to meet mine?" Shion stared into Nezumi's deep slate eyes for a moment. He then proceeded to close his own as a sign to continue.

Nezumi smiled and closed his own. It seemed like forever, until their lips finally met. Fireworks exploded in their stomachs, blush on both of their faces.

Shion gripped Nezumi's shirt as the rat's tongue invaded his mouth. They were both reluctant to pull away, but the lack of oxygen forced them.

They pressed their foreheads together again, smiling genuine smiles at each other. All of a sudden, the door burst open, and in ran the majority of their class, cheering loudly.

Shion's face turned as red as the snake twisting around his body and he looked away. Nezumi grabbed his hand, squeezing it tight.

"So?" Someone shouted. "So what?" Nezumi replied, confused.

"Is it canon? Is NezuShi canon?!" They shouted. Shion gazed up at Nezumi hopefully. The black haired boy leant down and placed a soft kiss on his now lover's lips.

"Yeah," he said, "it is."

That was fun to write! I hope you're enjoying this so far.
-Rhyme xxx

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