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Third Person POV



Everything was going wrong.
For absolutely no reason whatsoever.

It was currently late at night in Nezumi's home, and he was fast asleep after practicing his singing for multiple hours straight. However, it seemed he was not alone, for there were many loud noises escaping the depths of his kitchen. Groaning, he sat up. Hearing a loud crash, he suddenly became fully alert, adrenaline rushing through his veins. Grabbing his small pocket knife, he stood and began to make his way downstairs.

He tip toed down the hallway...

He pushed open the door...

He leapt inside!

...But there was no one there.

"What the hell?" Nezumi muttered, scratching his head. He put his knife aside, laying his head in his hands before turning around to head back and check the other rooms.

"OooooooOOOOooOo!!!!!" Shouted a very, very enthusiastic voice. Nezumi turned around, a look of utter confusion on his face. In front of him stood a pale figure, with white hair, transparent skin, pastel coloured clothing and a red snake wound around him. His eyes shone, and he smiled brightly.

"Okay, two things; One, who the fuck are you? And two, can you please shut the fuck up, it's 3am." Nezumi stated, extremely pissed off.

The figure's smile faded, a look of sadness and disappointment spread across his face instead.

"M-My name... It's Shion. I'm... Dead, I guess? I just remembered being hit by a car, and now no one can see me, or hear me, and I just don't feel like I'm alive, more or less, so I can only assume. Also, no. I cannot." He said quietly.

"Okay..." Said Nezumi, holding a hand up to his face in slight distress, "Why are you breaking everything in my kitchen?"
"Oh... I thought that ghosts had to haunt people? Was I wrong?" Shion asked. Nezumi let out a loud sigh, and then a small laugh.

"Haunting is being creepy, and pushing things over and flickering lights, not hitting pots and pans together at 3 in the morning, Shion. I thought you'd know, I mean, you're the ghost here." Nezumi stated. They looked at each other for a second, before both bursting out laughing.

"Oh my god, okay, I'm sorry, I'm really new to this." Shion chuckled.

"Okay, how about instead of destroying my kitchen further, we both actually go to sleep." Nezumi said, humour filling his voice. Shion nodded in agreement.

"And anyway, you don't need to haunt me. How about we try being friends instead?"

Little did they know, that was the start of something wonderful.

Sorry, for this being so short, it's more of a filler until I finish another thing I'm currently doing! That should hopefully be up relatively soon :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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