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Warning! Contains suicide and self harm stuff :/

Third Person POV:




That's all that went through Shion's head. The voices that spoke to him, internally and externally. He couldn't escape.

School was bad. 

Everyday, a new scar was made. Maybe not on his body, but on his heart and mind. The words cut him deep. They stuck in his mind like glue, messing with his brain. He was thin. His skin was pale. His only friend, and crush for that matter, was the complete opposite.

He was lively. His body was toned and strong. His skin was a beautiful shade. His dark eyes shone like stars.

His home life was no better.

He had no one. He had no family. Not even a goldfish. His only family were his enemies, the voices that taunt him.

Why don't you just go and die already?

You're not worth anything.

Waste of space, kill yourself.

Most days were the same. He got up. Got dressed. Went to school. Didn't eat due to nerves. Got put down and beaten up by bullies. Went home. Proceeded to hide in the corner of a room, clutching at his head and sobbing. Occasionally eating a bite of food, drinking a bit of water.

One day though, Shion snapped. He was so tired of everything. Waking up wasn't even distressing anymore, it was just... Disappointing. A sort of, "Oh. I'm still alive." Thing. He resorted to his last option.

Self harm.

At first he was scared. The first time he picked up the blade his red eyes shine with fear. He let it touch his skin, shivering with anticipation. He slowly dug it into his flesh, sliding it across, leaving a long line. He removed it, staring at his bloody wrist.

Then he smiled. His once innocent eyes now shrouded with anger, sadness, hatred for life itself. He cut again and again. Small cuts, large cuts. Everywhere. Before he knew what had happened, he was on the bathroom floor, sobbing, panting and laughing hysterically all at once.

This wasn't the only time this happened.

At first, he was slightly shocked at what he had done. It was left for a day. But then, he couldn't take it again. He took his blade, left a scar on his wrist. The cool metal touched his skin, leaving blood slowly seeping out, dripping onto his floor. Then it happened the next day. And the next. Soon, he stopped going to school.

All he did was sit and battle with the voices in his head. He cut. He even pulled out some of his hair when he couldn't stop his thoughts.

Why are you alive?

People like you shouldn't be aloud to live.

You're stupid. No one loves you. No one even likes you!

He couldn't escape. He was already too far gone.

Time Skip!

It had been a week since Shion had gone to school. On the first day, Nezumi just assumed he was busy. The second day, he thought he might be ill. He thought he had someone taking care of him, so he left it. On the third day, he became worried. The fourth, even more so. Many times he had considered checking on him, but he was too nervous. That's right, Nezumi was nervous. He had been in love with Shion as long as he could remember. He didn't want to come across as annoying.

So the week continued. Then, Saturday evening, he couldn't take it. He was worried sick. Where was he? Why didn't he even text him? He wasn't responding to his calls or emails. It was dark outside. The sky was overcast and it was pouring with rain. Thunder clapped loudly, lightning streaking through the dark sky.

So, Nezumi pulled on his coat and ran.

By the time he had arrived at Shion's house, he was soaked. He knocked on the door, desperate from the cold.

No answer. He tried again, and again, to no avail. He then tried to open it. It opened with ease. He shook his head at his idiocy and stepped in.

"Shion?" He called gently. Yet again, no reply. He began to wander. He checked the living room, dining room, kitchen. No Shion. He walked up the stairs. He checked in the spare rooms but there was no one there. He then found it. Shion's room. He knocked gently on the door. Slowly, he pushed it open. The window was open, curtains billowing in the harsh wind, the windowsill soaked with rain. Then, in the corner of the room he saw the en suite. The door was cracked open and from inside he heard it. A few sniffs. A sob. A laugh. A cry of pain.

He slowly approached. He opened the door, listening to it creek before his eyes snapped open in shock, his entire body paralysed.

There on the blood stained floor sat Shion. His pale skin was splattered with blood, his eyes dark as if he hadn't slept in days. In one hand he held a blade, stained with a dark red.

When Shion felt the presence, he looked up slowly. His eyes met with Nezumi's and suddenly, his eyes had life. He stared down at himself in shock, dropping the blade and pushing himself as far away from Nezumi as possible.

"N-Nezumi, what a-are y-you doing h-here?!" He shouted weakly. Nezumi didn't answer him. He stared at the floor, his hair covering his eyes.

"Why..." He whispered, voice cracking, "Why would you do this to yourself?" Suddenly, he looked up. Tears streamed down his face, his features full of anger and sadness. He collapsed to the floor, pulling the white haired boy into his arms. He sobbed into his shoulder, determined to not let the other go. Shion struggled, but soon relaxed. Eventually, Nezumi pulled away.

"Shion, why did you do this?" He asked. Shion was silent, but soon replied.

"I... I just can't take it anymore. I'm worthless, I'm not loved..." Tears began streaming down his face. He looked down. "I just shouldn't be alive. I have nothing to live for. I'm stupid,  a waste of space! I should just die-" he was cut off.

Nezumi had lifted a hand to his chin and pulled his face up to look at him. "Don't you dare say that about yourself, it's all lies!" He shouted angrily.

"You're not a waste of space, you're not worthless, and you are loved!" He said. Shion looked at him sadly, giving a watery smile.

"I-Is that so? I don't think so. Who could possibly love me?" He whispered, tears rolling down his face. Nezumi looked his dead in the eyes, putting a hand on Shion's cheek and his waist. He leant in close to Shion, their faces millimetres away.

"Me." He whispered, before closing the gap between them. He pressed his lips against Shion's, wiping away his tears with his thumb. Slowly, Shion kissed back. He wrapped his bloodied arms around his neck, pulling him closer, practically sitting in Nezumi's lap and wrapping his legs around his waist. They kissed for who knows how long until they couldn't breathe. They pulled away, flustered and breathless.

Nezumi rested his forehead against Shion's, smiling sadly. "Never do this to yourself again, got it? I love you, and whatever hurts you will hurt me." Shion looked away as Nezumi lifted his arms and kissed the scars on his wrists. He kissed each one, leaving Shion red faced. Kissing his cheek, he whispered,

"Promise me you'll never do this to yourself again?"

"I promise."

This was sad :( Sorry for not updating in so long! I don't have an excuse I've just been lazy :/ xD. Rhyme's been in hospital a bit tho, nothing serious but that's why she's not updated the Len book :3
-Sophie xxx

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