Is This Love?

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Shion's POV

To be honest, I was a loner.

People found me rather dull, nerdy. I always had my head buried in a book, or I sat daydreaming. No wonder someone like him wouldn't notice me at all.

Nezumi. That's the one. The year above me. Tall, mysterious, beautiful. I loved him, I knew that. I had done for so long. We rarely talked though. He was popular, I was not. He was attractive, I was average. He was... Nezumi. The definition of perfection.

He didn't seem to be the type to have a good taste in literature, yet we share a love for Shakespeare. Despite all our differences, it felt right to be with him. Nothing was awkward. Unnatural.

It felt... Good.

Time skip to lunch!
Shion's POV

There he was. He'd escaped to the library to get away from his 'fangirls'. No one came here. It was more or less abandoned.

"N-Nezumi." I said, stumbling on my words. He looked up at me, his slate eyes meeting mine. He smiled gently, in that way that could make anyone melt.

"Hi, Shion." He replied, closing his book and gesturing to the chair opposite him before resting his chin on his hand. I nodded and sat down, twiddling my thumbs. "What'd you want?" He asked. I gulped and took a deep breath.

"I-I love you, Nezumi." I squeaked out. For a few moments, there was silence. Then, a chuckle. I looked up, feeling my heart crack.

"No you don't." He said, standing up, preparing to leave, "It's just a crush. Minor infatuation." At that moment, the school bell rung. He walked away, leaving me staring at him.

That was the weirdest rejection ever. I thought. I chuckled at the stupidity of it all, yet I couldn't help the single tear that managed to escape my eye, cascading down my smiling face.

The next week, lunch time.
Shion's POV:

There he was again. The same table by the window. Reading the same book. Same position. Same time. I grabbed my book, Mozart's biography, and headed over to him to sit down.

He sensed my presence, nodding at me as a greeting. I smiled and nodded back. It was surprisingly not awkward. He must have forgotten about my confession. He probably gets hundreds.

After a little while, Nezumi stood up to leave. As he was walking away, I piped up, just as I had the week before.

"E-Excuse me, Nezumi!" I called.  Just as he had last week, he turned his head, gazing at me, humming.

"I know you rejected me before, but I want to say it again. I love you." I looked at the floor, blushing like crazy. I heard him sigh. Looking up I watched him walk away.

"If you really love me," he said, "how can you say that with such ease?"

Just as I had before, I was left dumbfounded, standing in an almost abandoned library. Yet this time, I did not smile.

I only cried.

Time skip, next week!
Shion's POV

It had been a week. I saw him multiple times during, yet whenever we made eye contact, he looked away. My heart ached for him.

So, per usual, I went to the library. I stepped inside, pushing open he creaky door. Nezumi looked over, but quickly returned his gaze to his book. I walked over and stood by the edge of the table. I placed down my coat and bag. Then, I pulled Nezumi's book away from him, sliding it across the table. He looked up at me, annoyance clear in his eyes.

Nezumi's POV

"I know what you're going to say. I haven't forgotten." I said, closing my eyes and sighing. I remembered both of the times he had confessed. I don't believe him. He's messing up his feelings. He's young and stupid.

"Shion, I know you think you love me, but-" I was completely cut off as I looked up, opening my eyes. There he stood, blushing from ear to ear, tears streaming down his cheeks, yet he made no sound. I suddenly realised how wrong I had been. He was obviously heartbroken. And it was all my fault. I had hurt him.

"Nezumi, I don't care what you say. I believe what I said. Whenever I'm around you, my heart beats so fast I feel like I might die. I lose my appetite. I feel sick. Randomly, I just want to cry.  You can say what you want. I don't care. Nezumi, I am madly in love with you." He finished. I was taken aback completely. I stared at him before standing up, walking up to him. He gazed into my eyes as I walked closer, making him walk back, hitting the wall. I caged my hands around his head, leaning close.

"Okay then~" I whispered, "One final test~" I heard him swallow before I crashed my lips onto his. I felt my heart expand in my chest, beating madly. After a moment, he returned the kiss, his hands shakily reaching out to grab my shirt, pulling me closer. I snaked my hands down from the wall and up the back of his shirt, pushing him closer towards me. After a while, we both pulled away breathless. He stared at me, wide eyed and blushing from ear to ear.

"What did you feel?" I whispered, smirking slightly. His expression remained unmoved.

"It felt warm. Comforting. It felt right. It felt like my heart was going to explode." He replied. My smirk faded into a warm smile. I hugged him close, shutting my eyes.

"Sorry for doubting you, Shion." I said, "I'm pretty sure that is love." 

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