Pepper Spray

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Shion's POV:

It had been going on for a few days. I had always been quite paranoid about people watching me, but recently I've felt more uncomfortable.

Everyday, when I walk home after my job, it's dark. It's not too far from my workplace to my house, but it's pretty dark and freaky.

So here I am. My shift just ended, it's 9 pm and I'm all alone. In the dark. I was terrified. To add to the fact that it was late at night and I was walking home by myself, I suddenly got that feeling again.

I broke into a sprint, probably looking like a maniac to anyone who was passing by. All of a sudden, I heard heavy, quick footsteps.

My pace increased.

I sprinted as fast as I could, which to be honest wasn't that fast. Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulder and then everything went in slow motion.

I reached to my pocket.

Grabbed my pepper spray.

Spun around.

And I screamed like a banshee while spraying it in their face.

"OW FUCK!" Was all I heard. I panted, out of breath. I then began to hit this dark haired stranger. To be perfectly honest, it was more like feeble slaps, but still.

"Alright, alright can you please calm the hell down?" They shouted. I backed off reluctantly. The stranger looked up, anger and pain written across his face as he thoroughly rubbed his eyes.

Glaring at me, he shouted, "What the hell is wrong with you!" I glared back, just as angrily.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me, what's wrong with you, stalking me like that!" I shouted.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I came to ask you for freaking directions, not to kidnap you and fuck you in a bush!"

"Well, who's been following me for the past few days then? And why did you run after me, couldn't you ask someone else?"

"I ran after you because you were the only other person around! And for the last time, I'm not a bloody stalker!"

We glared at each other. I was about to retaliate, but he just held up his hands.

"Alright, can we stop bickering like five year olds and get me somewhere to wash out my eyes?" He asked coldly, with a slight tinge of guilt.

I sighed, nodding and smiling softly. "You can come to mine. It's not too far. You can get your eyes clean and have some tea." He smiled at me gratefully, following my lead.

When we got in, I showed him to the bathroom. I left him to clean his face and went to make tea. After a couple of minutes, he came downstairs and we sat down awkwardly.

"So..." I said.

"So...." He replied.

"So!" I replied, a little louder.

"SO!" He shouted.

"SOOO!!!!!" I shouted louder, before bursting out laughing. He soon joined in and before we knew it, we were rolling around on the floor, crying with laughter.

"I think we should start with friendly introductions rather than having a 'so' war." He said, still chuckling a bit.

"Okay then. My names Shion!" I said. He smiled curiously.

"Like the purple flower?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at the familiar question.

"Yes, like the flower. What's your name?" I replied.

"Nezumi. 'Rat'. Odd name, I know, but I think it fits me well." He answered.

The rest of the evening was spent more or less just playing 20 Questions. We clicked well, and we knew this would be the start of something beautiful.

That was fun to write. Don't give Shion pepper spray. Ever.
-Sophie xxx

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