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Shion's POV:
I honestly don't know how this happened. Somehow, my friend Rhyme (I decided to add Rhymey-whimey in :3) convinced me to come to this haunted house with her.

Now, before I get started, let me tell you one thing; I absolutely cannot stand haunted houses. It doesn't help that just last night Rhyme forced me to watch a horror film with her.

So here we are. Rhyme is wandering around, a massive grin on her face, her turquoise eyes gleaming. To be perfectly honest, I think she was finding this more hilarious than scary. Every time something jumped out at us, she would laugh and try to hug it.

And then there is me. I'm here, trembling in fear. If anything jumps out at me, I will scream and fall to the floor. Either that or I'll try to use Rhyme as a sacrifice. 

All of a sudden, someone jumped up behind me, screaming shrilly. I screamed and spun around, punching them in the face. Hard.

They groaned loudly and fell to the floor, knocked out. By this point, Rhyme was in tears with laughter. Obviously, she was slightly worried about this poor guy's health, but apparently my reaction was too funny.

I reached into my pocket and straight up called an ambulance.

Nezumi's POV:
I work in a haunted house as a part time job. It's not the best job in the world, but damn it's funny.

It was almost the end of the day. About half an hour until the house closes. I hid in my corner, waiting for my next victim. All of a sudden, a couple of people came around the corner. One of them seemed to be over the moon, while the other shook like a leaf. The white haired boy walked closer to me, not realising I was there. He turned around, leaving him wide open for me to attack.

I leapt up and screamed in his ear. The next thing I knew, his fist had collided harshly with my face as he screamed.

Time skip!
Shion's POV:

Rhyme had gone home and I had accompanied my assassin to the hospital. He had been changed out of his costume and into the hospital clothes. Any makeup or face paint was gone and I was more or less stunned by his beauty.

I snapped out of my daze when I heard someone cough awkwardly. "Um... Hello there..." Said the black haired boy. I blushed a bit, embarrassed by my staring.

"Hi! M-My name's Shion... Sorry for assaulting you." He said sorrowfully. I smirked at his timid nature. This would be fun.

"Oh, don't worry about it. You're gonna have to pay me back though." He looked at me with scared eyes.

"O-Oh I know, I will d-do but I don't have any m-money on me right n-now..." He stuttered. I chuckled a bit, shaking my head.

"Not like that!" I exclaimed, shaking my head, "You can pay me back with a date."

His face heated up as he nodded quickly.

"O-Okay! But first, can you tell me your name?"

"The names Nezumi. I look forward to it, flower~"

Sassy Nezumi much. Rhyme doesn't know I've included her in this, so that'll be funny to see. Rhyme and I actually went to a haunted house a little while ago, and Rhyme was exactly like this. I was more like Shion to be honest, except I didn't assault someone really hot and have to take them on a date :(
-Sophie xxx

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