NezuShi Questions!

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Rhyme: So, today, I'm gonna be doing that "OTP Questions" thing. If you don't know what it is, you're basically given some questions to answer about your
OTP. For example, you could be asked "Who is more overprotective?" And then you'd answer with the person from your ship and why :D

Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?

Definitely Nezumi. Even though he can seem kinda tsundere at times, he'd never forget anything slightly important about Shion. He'd always do his best to make him happy.

Who reaches for the other one's hand while driving?

Totally Shion. It seems like Nezumi would always be the one driving and concentrating on the road, but Shion would always find cute little ways to get his attention. After he does this, if they're on a long trip, he'd probably end up falling asleep.

Who gets the window seat?

Again, Shion. He'd be super excited about going on any trips that he would have to have something to occupy him. He'd be too cute for Nezumi to say no to. He'd probably then wear himself out and fall asleep on Nezumi.

Who leaves little notes in the other's one lunch? (Bonus: what does it say?)

TOTALLY Shion. If Nezumi ever went anywhere for the day, Shion would make sure he had a super delicious lunch. He'd also always put a note in it. It'd just be a little slip of paper with some little doodles on it, and it'd say stuff like 'Have a great day!' Or 'Love you lots, see you later!'.

Who wakes up first?

Nezumi. He always enjoys waking up to see the sun rise and he loves seeing sleepy Shion. He also loves to wake up early so he can make breakfast.

Who falls asleep while watching a movie?

Obviously Shion. Unsurprisingly, Shion loves cuddling. He'd get as close to Nezumi as he could to be comfortable while watching the movie, but then he'd inevitably fall asleep.

Who's prone to wearing socks indoors (or to sleep)?

Shion. When Nezumi's in the house, he doesn't mind the cold that much. Shion, however, hates it. He'd wear as much clothing as possible and look damn adorable doing it.

Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)?

Nezumi. Shion is always overexcited when it comes to the beach, so he'd probably immediately strip and run for the water. Nezumi would have to hold him back and more or less forcibly put sun cream on him. He hates the stuff.

Who carries all the important documents while traveling?

Definitely Nezumi. As I've said, Shion would be too excited to do anything productive (or normal for that fact) and so Nezumi would have to take control of the situation and handle Shion as well as all the documents.

Who'd give their child sweets behind the other's back?

Totally Nezumi. With Shion being all knowledgeable on the health front, he'd probably be a bit stingy with sweets. Nezumi, however, would be rebellious to get on his nerves and he'd make sure their kid had enough sweets to keep him going.

Who points at a dog when they see it?

Obviously Shion. He loves animals in general but, like a lot of people, is very partial to dogs. If he saw one from across the road, he'd keep poking Nezumi until he got his attention and then he'd be over the road like a flash.

Hope you enjoyed! Should me and Soph do more stuff like this? Let us know!

-Rhyme xxx

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