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Third Person POV:

Nezumi and Shion were two average high school boys. They did well in their lessons and whatnot, they had their interests, but they were both rather introverted.

Shion however, generally got more loud and excited over things, whereas Nezumi was calm and collected.

Nezumi's relative silence but extreme presence however made Shion's compact obsession with him grow.

A few times before, when Shion had tried to speak to him, he was usually ignored or rejected. However, now, he was definitely going to get an answer.

No matter how long it took.

Week One, Attempt One
Shion's POV:

It was Monday morning, a fresh start. Perfect. Today, I will get an answer. Actually, probably not... But I can try.

So here I am. Class started a bit ago, but I can't wait too much longer. What to do...

I know!
I pretended to rummage around in my pencil case, then made a rather exasperated sound. Leaning forwards over my desk, I tapped on his shoulder.

"Um.. Excuse me, Nezumi... Could I borrow a pen?" He turned his head to look at me, giving me an odd glance and then said a single word.


I was rather taken aback.

Stuttering, I gave a reply.

"O-Oh, um s-sorry for bothering y-"
"I was joking." He said, completely straight faced, handing me a pen. Hesitantly, I reached forwards to take it, an embarrassed blush covering my cheeks. I muttered a thank you as he turned around. Despite the teacher's obnoxious talking, I'm almost 100% sure I heard him whisper "Troll'd"

Week Two, Attempt Two
Shion's POV:

I had decided to leave my useless attempts at conversation for a week. A new week, a fresh start.

So, class had just ended. The lunch bell rung, and everyone scrambled to see their friends or to go get food. Nezumi however took his bag and walked out the room, heading in the direction of the music rooms. I quickly sprinted out of my seat, grabbing my bag hastily and clumsily stomping after him, as majestic as a hippo on steroids.

After I finally caught up with him, he was sat in the corner near the piano. The blackboard was covered in scribbles and crude messages and pictures, but no one bothered to clear them away. He sat with his back to a wall, a window above his head. I skipped over, smiling brightly.

"Nezumi! Hi!" I said excitedly, tripping slightly to sit next to him. I looked him in the eyes, almost feeling him sigh internally.

"Hello, Shion." He muttered monotonously. I vaguely heard a song playing from his earphones, and I took one out, placing it in my ear and gasping.

"Oh my god I didn't know you liked Green Day! I love them!" I shouted. Nezumi glared daggers at me, but I ignored them and sang obnoxiously.


"Can you not do that?!" Nezumi exclaimed, clamping a hand over my mouth. I grinned evilly, sticking out my tongue and licking his hand, making him grimace and pull it away, muttering a small, "gross".

All too soon, as we were sat in silence, listening to music, the shrill bell rung and we headed back to class.

Week Three, Attempt Three
Shion's POV:

Over the past week, Nezumi and I had been growing closer. Well, I mean he had glared at me less, and also he had said more than a few words to me! And not all of them were degrading or insults! Success!!!!

So, we're in the middle of a lesson. English. How dull. Right now, we're studying Shakespeare. Nezumi seems to be enjoying himself though. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around, looking rather irritated that I interrupted his special Shakespeare time.

"What? No talking in class, we're gonna get in trouble!" He hissed, glaring at me. I shrunk back slightly, but carried on with what I was going to say.

"How can you enjoy this? It's so dull-"

"Hey! Nezumi, Shion! No talking!" The teacher shouted at us. Nezumi gave me an 'I told you so' look.

A few minutes later, I tapped him again.

"Nezumi, this is so boring! How can you even remotely like this?"

Yet again, the teacher caught us, telling us that "This is your first warning!". What's that meant to mean?

After another ten minutes had passed, and I felt like my brain was melting, I tapped Nezumi's shoulder. He suddenly spun around, anger written all over his face.

"Okay!" He shouted, drawing the attention of the whole room, "Shion, you're really goddamn lucky I love you, you're loud and really fucking annoying, but I love you, got it?" I gasped super loud, ejecting myself out of my seat and hug-attacking Nezumi to the floor.

"Nezumi! Shion! That is enough! Go to the principal's office right now!" The teacher screamed. We both stood up, walking out of the classroom, but despite the anger of being sent out of class, we were both very happy for one small thing.

And so, we carried on with out journey along the highway to hell, linking hands and smiling sheepishly.

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