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"Jace!" I heard Clary scream my name. I dropped the soap I finally found, and sprinted upstairs. "Clary?" I ask as I scamper around the hallway. Finally, I see a note, it says "We have taken Clary. By the time you figure out where she is, she will be dead. Jace, I know you'll search every where for her but don't even try. You'll never get Clary back." I dropped to the floor on my knees. "Clary's gone."

After what felt like hours, I woke up. "Where am I?" I asked to no one, I didn't think anyone was even in this room. The room was purple with runes all over the walls. Lock runes. I glanced over to the corner of the room. The corner was covered in shadows, and some where, there was somebody lurky in the shadows. "Anyone? Is anyone here?" I asked again. "Yes, I'm here." Someone said as they came out of the shadows. "Do you miss me sis?" It was Sebastian.

After too many hours of playing D&D, I think that's what it's called, Simon finally went back to his apartment, so he could pack up his stuff. "See you later!" I exclaimed. "I'll be back soon." Simon said as he walked out of the door. I walked over to the library, but then I heard a thump. I raced upstairs, and saw Jace on the ground. "Jace, is everything all right?" I was very concerned, Jace never did anything like this before. "Clary's gone." Jace said with tears in his eyes. "What? How do you know?" I franticly asked. "Here, read this." Jace said as I snatched the note out of his slippery hand. I read every single detail, and my eyes started to water. I wiped away my tears, but they kept on spilling out. Finally, I stopped crying, but my eyes were still as red as an apple. "Jace, we need to find her, before she's..." My voice trailed off. "Yes, we need to find her, I will destroy this world inside, and out if that's what it takes." Jace exclaimed with confidence. His gold eyes were fierce. "OK, let's go find Clary."
An hour later, Simon was the institute with his van, along with magnus, and Alec, who just got back from their honeymoon. "Lets get going." Jace demanded. "Yes, I agree with Jace, for once." Simon sputtered. "Well, you have to get used to him if you're moving in." I snapped. "I don't even know what we're doing." Alec protested. "We're trying find Clary, sweetie pie." Magnus grinned. "If you to are going to be no help, go some where else. We need all the help we can get." Jace sputtered, acting serious. "OK, that's our que to leave." Magnus exclaimed as he snapped his fingers. He, and Alec we're gone. "Lets get to work now." I stated, and we were off to go find Clary.

"Sebastian? You are dead!! How are alive now?" I started to get really worried. "Lilith summoned me back once she got her strength back. And now, since I am living, you will be mine." Sebastian sputtered. "Never! You killed so many people, you are a monster." I snarled. "You are under my control, you listen to ME!" Sebastion yelled. "You have 1 week to decide. If you say yes, you live, if you say no, you die." And with that, Sebastian returned to the shadows. "Jace, please rescue me." I whispered, and drifted off into a sleep, not knowing that tonight would be my last time sleeping.

Loving a Jace Herondale- A Clace StoryWhere stories live. Discover now