magic doesn't cure everything

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Jaces p.o.v:
My head was throbbing as I heard Clary speak to me. I wanted to see her, to talk to her, but no words would come out. Eventually, I heard Magnus talking about me. I thought he would talk about how hot I am and how amazing I am, but he talked about my concussion. No wonder I cant see , my head hurts, and I can't speak. Just as I thought he was done, he talked about our children. "Jace may never see his children again." I stopped breathing and my head fell to my shoulder. I have to wake up, I have to. But, I couldn't do it, so I laid there in silence until I heard Clary crying.
Clary's p.o.v:
"Try to do something, Magnus." I sniffled. "I'll try my best, but I can't promise anything." Magnus looked into my eyes, trying to find something. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned. "I'm trying to find your courage. Something to make you feel happy.I can't have you sobbing around my apartment while I'm working. Try to be as happy as possible, please."  Magnus winked at me, sending a little smile on my face. "I'll try, but I'm not making any promises." I walked out of the room, praying to raziel that jace would wake up and my kids were going to be ok.

"Clary, clary, clary." Jace was twisting and turning in his bed, calling my name. "Its all right, I'm right here." I soothed him, not sure if he could hear me. "What's jace doing?" Magnus called from behind me. "Uh, he's calling me name. How's Abby and Will?" "At least jace is talking though. But your kids, they are...." He hesitated. "I can handle it Magnus. Just tell me." "Ok, well this isn't going to be easy but..." Magnus stopped and looked up at me. "Clary, I know you can handle stuff, but this is really bad. I don't think jace could even handle this." "Please, just tell me. My brother was a monster and I had to find out by my mother. I can handle this, just tell me. Its my kids after all so if you dont tell me then I-" Magnus cut me short. "Ok, ok. I'll tell you the cold hard truth. Your son, Will, doesn't have enough energy, or nutrients for a baby, so his lifespan will be a lot shorter. And, he may be really small compared to other people, so it will take a lot of practice just to make him not bad. He is a herondale, so I will make sure he gets to live his short life as well as he can. Give him this bottle every 6 hours; it has everything he needs to give himself nutrients. As for your daughter, I put a spell on her so she will have a  delayed shadowhunter talent. After about  7 years, she will truly become a good shadowhunter. But before then, she may not be very good. The demons that did this had some sort of poison that slows everything down, so since it infected your children, they won't be as good as shadowhunters until they are older. Oh, and give this gummy rock like vitamin to your daughter Every  2 weeks." Magnus handed me the bottle and a packet. I dropped both and fell to my knees, ready to cry. "Its all my fault. If I had saved my kids before those demons came and protected jace, we would have normal kids that can have a long life as a shadowhunter. Its all my fault." I ran out of the room and slammed my temporary door shut. I threw a pillow at the door and cried into my blankets.
The floor boards cracks outside my door as I heard a knock. I wiped my tears always and took a deep breath. As I opened the door, I realized that all this time, I was in was magnus' room. I looked up and saw jace. His familiar golden eyes shone on my face, lighting up my smile. "Clary." He whispered. I dug my hands into his hips and kissed him like today was the last day of our lives. "Jace, I missed you. But I think yo you still have a concussion, and-" He put a finger on my lips. "I woke up even though I'm not supposed to. I still have a concussion, just don't tell magnus I'm awake. I forced myself to get up, to see you. And it was totally worth it." He smiled again and kissed me. I fiercely kissed back, not wanting jace to leave. I was about to pull away, but a noise interrupted us. I spun around on my heels, and looked over jaces shoulder. "Ah-hem. I believe jace is supposed to be asleep, not canoodling with you." My face turned red as magnus took jace by the arm and pulled him away from me. "Magnus, he was asleep forever and we just saw each other for the first time. Let us have some alone time for a little bit, please." I smiled, wishing Magnus would leave. "If he doesn't get enough rest, he will end up like your kids." Magnus sternly spoke. "Wait, our kids? What's wrong with our kids?" All of our faces got worried. "Jace, while you were asleep, our kids had some problems." I didn't want to say what exactly was wrong ,yet. It would be too hard on jace, especially since he still has a concussion. "Clary, tell me what's wrong, I couldnt sleep without knowing if our kids are alive or not." Jaces eyes shone darkly on my face. "Demons. They attacked us and took our kids. You got knocked out so I had to go alone to find them. By the time I did find them, it was too late. Now, our kids aren't going to have a normal shadowhunter life, they will not live as long and will not be as talented." Jace dropped on his knees and dropped his head to the ground. "Its all my fault." He said. "Its all my fault."

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