Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It was finally the day of the wedding; I opened my eyes groggily blinking a few times before my vision cleared up finally. I saw both my mates smiling down on my, taking turns kissing my lips chanting "good morning". They always had special ways of waking me up, I felt so loved, and it was an amazing feeling. I felt my little ones kicks in excitement for the day to come, and their fathers touch.

After a few more kisses and touches we got up and got dressed. The wedding was happening at 11 o'clock it was a pretty big deal. It was eight o'clock, I knew I had to wake up early to get my hair and makeup done by my stylists, I did not want to go through that, but I was getting use to the special treatment. I guess this was a very special event, the heirs and their princess soon to be queen of the England werewolf world, and this was something only important people would get invited to. The press had been hyping for the last months eagerly wanting the details of the wedding. The designer of the dress, the colour of the theme the list goes on. Poor Rebecca.

I got into my dressing gown knowing soon the makeup artists would flood the place. Chris and Cole gave me a soft kiss on my cheeks before they went into the room designated to the males to dress. Becca came and joined me with her team of makeup artists and I waited for mine. She looked nervous was constantly fidgeting. I held her hands in reassurance, as my makeup artists finally arrived.  

They took their time to make sure everything was perfect, my hair, my face, my nails everything. I guess there was not time for mistakes. They reassured me that I looked beautiful once they were done, I felt overwhelmed. I looked over at Rebecca and held her hand again to make sure she was fine. She squeezed me hands showing how nervous she was. I started to miss my mates their lack of presence always unsettled my wolf at this stage of pregnancy. My personal designer came into the room smiling at me, the makeup artists exited the room, finally finished. I looked over at Rebecca again, she looked stunningly beautiful, my brothers would most likely fall at the sight of her. Her beauty and her smile made her glow.

"You look amazing, stunning, beautiful…" I said to her. She blushed at my words.

"Same to you, you're glowing." She replied.

"You' re glowing too!" I said laughing at her. "I have an excuse," I said pointing at my large belly, "what's yours?" I asked sending a wink her way as she looked away and blushed hiding a smile, almost as if hiding a secrete. I dropped it as our designers coughed to let us know of their presence. I smiled and they came over to assist us (mainly me) into the dress. I was wearing a beautiful mint blue dress that fitted over my belly nicely and flowed down to the floor hiding the shoes fit for comfort not for fashion. I looked over at Rebecca in her pure white dress. She looked overly happy, I could not blame her.

I heard a knock on the door and felt the presence of my mates. It was for us to go to the church and I saw the carriages had pulled up outside the window. The horses would pull the bridal party to the church; it would be my first time in a carriage. I felt more of a princess than a queen at this moment. My mates came in and I saw them wearing the same colour of mint blue ties that I wore. They looked so handsome I wished we could stay right here and kick Rebecca out of our room. However, that was very unlikely. I saw the admiration and love in their eyes for me and I melted at the sight. They smiled brightly, and I smiled back. They held my hands and we went down the stairs and into the carriage. Rebecca's mother and father rode with her in a separate carriage to me and my mates. My brothers were already waiting at the church for our arrival. We were on the move to the church finally.

The amount of people outside startled me; the cameras and fans, people just celebrating the royal wedding hit me hard. All these people adored my brothers and my best friend. My heart swelled with happiness. The sight was covered with people, also guards and officers keeping us royals safe. Only a few cameras from certain news stations were allowed to the ceremony.

We got out of the carriage and prepared ourselves to go into the church. I could not stand for long, so they places a chair that I had to sit on. I felt sad that I could not be standing with the others as the maid of honour, but I was too big and heave on my small feet even if I wanted to stand. Rebecca was hyperventilating pacing back and forward not yet ready to get into the church.  I walked up to her shook her and told her to keep it together. She was really freaking out! It was nerve racking experience for her. But she did pull herself together, the music started playing and we walking inside. The little girls and boys entered first, then the young teens, and finally me and my mates walking step by step my hands gently in theirs. I was smiling and happy. I looked up and saw my handsome brothers at the altar waiting for their mate. They looked back and say radiating in her beauty. She had tears in her eyes begging not to let them fall. They looked out of breath yet so happy to see her happy. I smiled happily with their reaction. The ceremony started.

Everyone was smiling; we had now come to the reception. The service was beautiful, I even had some (a lot) of tears in my eyes. The love between the three was amazingly strong, anyone could see. They had their first dance, lots of photographs. The whole of England seemed to be celebrating the wedding, the news and supporters made everything more special for the three.

So far I had eaten and danced with my mates, father, brothers my mates again before I sat down and retired. It was starting to become evening, and I felt tired after the long day.

I stood up to walk over to my best friend, and have a dance with her. She looked happy and I wanted to steal her away from Andrew and Alexander, as I was walking with my mates hand in hand when I felt wetness trail between my legs and I felt a pain in my belly leaving me gasping and feel dizzy. I fell into the arms of my mates unable to keep myself up, I blacked out… not before I heard panicking.

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I have finished exams meaning I would have time keep writing after some months of not doing so. I'm sorry for the long wait, and the cliff hanger.  I would update really write again soon. This is not edited.  Please comment and vote!

Twitter: @blue_nerissa 

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