Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

When I open my eyes, I saw Cole’s and Chris’s face looking worriedly, they both held my hand, sending tingles down my spine. They looked so handsome I just had to admire their beautiful faces that were before I felt the pain in my abdomen, the babies were coming. Between my legs were still wet.  Everyone around us looked panicked; this was not supposed to be happening here, on my friend’s wedding day, now she would want to stay with my father than catch her flight to her honeymoon.  The pain had gone for a while, and I knew there was a while between my contractions. They were so painful; I could not even think about my babies, I just wanted them out of me.

“Please, get them out.” I whimpered frustrated and this was only the start. Everyone was moving around and I felt the next contractions hit. I scrunched up my fists and I started to hear glass breaking and I felt wind around me, trying to calm me down. When the contraction passed I felt a stillness. I was still inside; however they were suddenly moving me unto a stretcher. My wolf was using my elements to calm me and it was working. My mates still looked worriedly at me, I started to get hot and sweaty. The castle had an infirmary and they called the pack doctor in to help. My mother and mates were with me in the room that my children would arrive in. the room was not a typical white that hospital rooms are normally painted in, it was green which immediately reminded me of the tranquility of nature.

Then another contraction hit.

This was so scary; I just wanted this to be over. Then I felt calm. My contractions were coming quicker, meaning that the babies were soon to arrive. I held my mates hand tight in mine, Cole on my left, and Chris on my right. Their eyes showed their fear, but they still carried smiles at the thought of their sons and daughters joining the world soon enough.

I felt many more contractions, the doctors wondered if I would like epidural, but I refused. I’d much rather to do this naturally, plus my elements were keeping me calm. The pack doctor finally pronounces me ready to push. It took a while before I heard my first baby cry. The soft sounds made my heart melt. They cleaned and wrapped my baby and handed it to Cole.

 “It’s a boy.” He said smiling at me and handed it to Chris.

I had to push again, and again, and again. The soft cries filled the room. My four babies three strong boys and a beautiful strong little girl. I was too tired I did not get to hold them. The last thing I saw was my mates holding my babies and looking at me with love.

“They are safe love.” Chris told me smiling gently.

“Sleep.” Said Cole softly.

I welcomed the darkness.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Cole, Chris, my mother, and my father was all in the room.

“Where are they?” I asked wanting to see my babies.

“They are here love.” My mother said. Handing my two of the babies, I welcomed them into my arms lovingly smiling down on them. Then I was handed the other two. My girl looked beautiful she was the only one with my bright blue eyes, whereas the boys all carried their fathers’ green eyes. They were all so beautiful, I could see me and their fathers in each one of them, and it warmed my eyes. Suddenly, the room door opened and Rebecca and my brothers bombarded into the room, this shocked me, I thought they would be gone on their honeymoon by now.

“You guys stayed?” I asked the obvious question.

“Of course!” they all shouted.

“As if we could leave” “without seeing our niece and nephews!” started Andrew and finished by Alex.

“Thank you, but the sooner you go, the sooner you come back.” I said smiling weakly. Becca came to my side and took one of the babies, cuddling hem in her hands.

“I could not miss this.” Becca said kissing the baby’s head. Cole and Chris took the two boys, and I was left with my eldest boys. He looked so much like his fathers, even though he was just born, you could see the similarities. I can’t wait to see him grow up to be the Alpha and the King just like my mates; he’s defiantly going to make me proud. Even though the others were not necessarily going to be alphas and kings or queens, I know I am going to be so proud of them. Plus, who knew what the future hold. I never knew I would be queen, and now I have three beautiful princes and a princess.

“You look tired honey, sleep for a while longer.” Chris said smiling down at me. I suddenly felt an overwhelming tiredness and closed my eyes.

A/N thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, there is a little bit more to come. If you want me to start a sequel of the qraudlets  do comment below!

Also, please do send me names as @imaginelittledragons has already done, I need some inspiration!

Please vote and comemnt what you think.


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