Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy

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My bloody hands gripped onto the thick branch. I seethed and bit hard into my dagger as I pulled myself on to yet another woody arm. This process continued until I reached a branch that would support my body weight. (Which unfortunately left me quite high from the ground.) My back and head rested agaisnt the trunk and I let out a shaky sigh. I clutched my torn up dress as I tried to regain my breath. However, the only thing I could muster was shallow wheezing. My other hand tightly gripped the butt of my dagger; even though I knew the worst was over, fear and paranoia swallowed my thoughts like a hungry lion and my mind was the baby zebra with no chance of survival. (On the bright side of it all, I didn't have to worry about getting my dress all bloody because the gaping gashes in my abdomen and chest were kindly enough to touch it up.)

(Do you know when there is a sad scene in a movie or T.V. show and in the background you hear a song from The Fray playing. Well, right now, I can hear a number of Fray songs playing on repeat.) I cringed as I shifted my gaze from the brightly lit stars, which, gave tonight the facade that all was finally right with the world and one could look up at the night sky for hours just enjoying its beauty without a care on their mind. However, that was not my case, my eyes landed on the bloody mess below me.

I wish I could tell you that we all went to the club and for once stayed as a group. That we all just forgot about what the rest of the school thought about us hanging together and we danced (or in my case failed to dance) the night away. That after all the fun and only a little bit of arguing from Trevor and Tyson, I was granted my freedom, however I rejected the offer and stayed. Maybe you thought at midnight I got that special kiss, but unfortunately life isn't that kind to me.

What really happend to me, was far worse, and I even managed to alienate the people (or Vamps) I was starting to like, not to mention almost killing Tyson, which got Damon mad (and well the rest of his family...Although, Stella wasn't really mad more concerned as to what the hell happened to me...) I managed to install fear into a sub-species of human that is known to be fearless. Before I could try and stop myself, tears streaked down my face. (I hate crying. I hate what I've done. I hate being a monster.) Salty water continued to race down my cheeks as I recalled the events that occurred earlier this evening.


Before we even walked into the club, loud, obnoxious (and way too over played) music blasted through their speakers causing the building to shake to the beat. Yet, I was strangly enticed and excited to join the crowed of vamps already inside. (I was never really one to enjoy dances...More like hit the snack bar instead.) I quickly shook away the thought that somehow manged to slither into my mind. Sure, maybe every time I went to a dance I would be miserable on the inside, but this had to be different right?

The minute we walked into the building, each kid in our group quickly dispersed and found their respective friends. I was left standing in the middle of the dance floor a little confused. I shrugged and headed toward the kid friendly bar. I ordered a strawberry-mango dakery and watched my friends enjoying themselves. Each of them seemed to give me a nod of awareness wanted me to sit by them, but I just shrugged and stayed by the bar. I kept ordering drinks and was having a lovly chat with the bartender when I smelt something rank. (Dear G-d, what died?!) My nose scruntched up and I sniffed my drink to see if that was the problem. However, it wasn't the source of the smell that was starting to make me gag. I looked around the room and to my surprise no one else was having the same reaction I was. It made me think that I was the only one who could actually smell it.

I desided to investigate. (Seeing that my feet where never going to reach the dance floor with all the people humping each other on it.) The source seemed to be coming from the back of the building. I looked back at my friends. Stella was having a conversation with a pleasant looking boy. Trevor was dancing with Kristy (Although it didn't look like he was enjoying himself at all.) and Damon was dancing with a lot of girls. I saw Tyson sitting alone in a cornor with his arms crossed and his legs up on a table. His eyes nonchalantly shifted toward me. He was trying to act bored, but I saw right through it. And I knew his curiosity filled eyes where trying to fight the erge to read my mind. (Stay out of my head.) I thought for good measure. I saw a grin play on his lips and he looked away.

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