Besides The Horrible, Horrible Impact...

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“What a pleasant surprise.” Of all people, why him? (What did I do to deserve this waaaa!) (NO! I’ve got to play it cool be strong kick his ass)  

“What do you want?” My eyes never left his, I made sure to follow his every step he was up to something.

“You know what I want. Come join me. We could be the great duo again.” He flashed a wicked grin and started to approach me.

I snarled. “You make me sick. Like I’d ever join you again!” My body stiffened and I clenched my fists. All hell was about to break loose.

“Well then, I guess I’ll have to take you by force.” He grinned once more before his slow strides toward me turned into a charge. I couldn’t help but grin myself.

When he was close enough I grabbed his head and forced it against my knee. The impact hurt like hell, but I wasn’t going to let him know that.

“OW Shit My knee! In the movies they seem so calm after using that move, those lying bastards!” Okay maybe I was going to let him know… (Shit like that you just can’t contain!)

 “Don’t believe everything you hear on T.V. sweet heart.” Marco chuckled and wiped the blood off his face. I glared at him and tried to kick him, but he caught it easily. I brought a hand to the ground. The dirt was moist and my hand sunk in a bit. (Did it rain recently?) I quickly refocused on the battle, the position I was in made it easy for my other leg to swing across Marco’s face. Unfortunately he caught that one too…

Seeing that I can’t fly or float, my back fell harshly to the ground. I cringed in pain. He laughed like the jackass he is. Since Marco was holding onto my legs, I tried to protect myself as best I could. Just when I think he’s going to make his move, he grips my ankles tighter and starts dragging me!

As he was lugging me across the forest floor, I grabbed some mud and chucked it at him. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as the scene played before me. Not a speck of dirt had hit his head. Marco was now facing me, he had dropped one of my legs and a hand was in front of his face.

The dirt was only inches away from his hand, yet none had actually touched him. He threw his head back in laughter. And when he returned to face me, an infamous smile emerged on his face. His eyes, those sweet almond eyes I used to trust with my very life, were now piercing into mine. But, the worst part of it all was that they no longer looked human and in that very moment I knew…

I’d have to kill him.

******** Somewhere near the woods…********

Trevor was riding his stolen bike when he saw the Camaro parked on the side of the road. He slowed down beside it and checked to see if anybody was inside. After a couple of minutes of searching the front, back, and even the trunk, he finally concluded that the car was deserted he got back on the bike.

After a few minutes of driving he noticed another motorcycle parked by the road side. Trevor would have kept driving if it wasn’t for a familiar shiny object that caused a glare in the mirrors. At first he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. He had seen that annoying thing a lot lately, but out of curiosity he parked his bike and headed toward the woods.

Trevor’s eye brows furrowed when he saw a green bag lying near the edge of the forest. It was the same one Oz was clinging onto for dear life, so he was confused as to why it was abandoned. He heard rustling next to him and when he turned he saw the thing that made him stop in the first place. When he tried to pick up the handle it moved just out of his reach. His eyes widened and he bent down and tried to pick it up again, but once more it was just out of his reach. Trevor growled he wasn’t about to play this game.

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