On The Road Again

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“I knew we shouldn’t have left her in the car.” Trevor sighed looking at the empty parking lot. “I just don’t understand, why does she keep running? We haven’t done anything to her and I haven’t even bitten her yet.” Trevor slid his and through his scruffy black hair and frowned.

“Well, maybe that’s the problem. You haven’t sealed the contract between master and pet.”

“Ty, how on earth do you think I can do that when she’s running around to gd knows where? Besides, girls like her can’t been tamed.” Tyson nodded, noting that it was probably easier to tame a wild mustang then it would be to control Oz. Both boys stayed silent for a while waiting for the news Damon would bring about the girl and his car.

“Hey guys, so I just got off the phone with Carl, they’ve cut the engines of my car so that means Oz is on foot. And all we need now is a car.”

“Or a bike…” Trevor’s eyes were trained on a black motorcycle with flames on the side of it. His grin grew wider as he started walking closer to it. “Hey guys why don’t you catch a cab home and I’ll find Oz.” The boys argued for a bit before agreeing to it. Trevor stole the bike and headed out of the parking lot.

“Hey do you think Carl’s parents realized that they fucked over his life the moment they named him Carl?


“On the road again… Oh on the road again…” leaving that beautiful car behind was heart breaking for me, but like hell I would get caught. My singing was interrupted when a red pickup truck slowed down beside me.

“Hey there need a ride?” in front of me were two guys both around mid twenties early thirties. (What perverts) the guy who spoke winked at me and motioned with his head to come closer. I stood my ground.

“Um… No thanks I’m good…” I said smiling and going on my way. They just continued to drive next to me. (UGH annoying ass wholes!!)

“Come on baby we don’t bite” this time the other guy spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows and stop walking.

“One don’t call me baby and two fuck off!” Why are they even bothering me have they not seen what I’m wearing? (Desperate guys don’t care)

“Tsk, feisty one she is. I like that, say, what’s your name?” tactic one didn’t work now for plan B. I stood there motion less with a blank face.

“Hey what’s wrong with her”? The guy in the passenger seat looked so confused it was too funny. I would of lost control laughing if it wasn’t for the fact that I was thinking about dead puppies. (aww oh my gd they’re dead I’m so sad they were so cute.)

“Yo dude I don’t know. Hey, hey you.” I continued to stand there until they left and were out of my sight. (Which wasn’t too long, pervert men have short attention spans.)

“On the road again…” This continued for sever minutes till a roaring engine from behind me made me jump. “Oh it’s just some guy on a motor bike… wait, is that? NO, no.” I started running, every few seconds looking back. He was getting closer. “Shit…”

I did the only thing I could think of and ran right toward the forest. I caught my breath behind a tree listening to the engine being cut off.

“Was running into the woods really necessary?” I gasped he was closer than I thought. I quietly stepped back going deeper into the woods. I stopped when my back collided with what I thought was a tree. Too bad I was wrong.

“Ozzy baby!” I turned around quickly.



HA Fooled you... I Hope... I know this chapter is really short, but alot a of crap went on when I was trying to write this, but have no fear! I will make the next one Longer! Anyways now that I'm all caught up in posting the story here Chapter 12 will be a couple of days. Most of the time I only post new chapters on weekends because I have school and I pretty much crash afterwards. STAY AWESOME *Fun Fact: State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska

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