How Comforting For My Self-esteem

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The trip back to Trevor’s house was quiet. I didn’t fall asleep like I usually did, just stared out the window and watched the cars go by. I’m used to running. It’s something you get used to after a while. The only hard part is leaving the friends you’ve made.

“I think I’ve developed stock home syndrome again.” I said breaking the silence.

“Again?” Trevor looked away from the road for a second and gave me a questioning look. I smirked.

“You think you’re the only one who’s tried to kidnap me?”

 “Well, now that I think about it I guess it’s possible that someone else could want you.”

“Believe me it was hell.”

“So does that mean you don’t hate me?”

“Let’s just say you weren’t as bad as half the guys I had to deal with.” Trevor tightened his grip on the wheel. “Don’t get your panties in a twist it wasn’t like that. They were just annoying as hell always trying to make me use my powers. ‘it’s for your country’ they’d say please I’m not even American.”

“Did you used to work for the government or something?” (Crap. I’ve said too much.)

“No…” I said looking down. He grinned. (STUPID! STUPID! Oz) I mentally slapped myself. He just shrugged.

“Sure… So where are you really from?”

“France.” He just started laughing

“That’s what they all say!” I whacked him.

“Shut up I really am from France! I lived there till I was three. So don’t ask me if I speak the language.”

“That’s a good excuse.” I whacked him again.

“First off, I am not some alien freak and second, you my friend have seen the cone heads movie way too many times.”

We continued to talk for another half hour or so before, we entered the front gates of his house. He suddenly stopped talking and tightened his grip on the wheel.

“I just want to warn you, when we enter the house my mother is going to be quite angry with you.”


“Really, you don’t know?” I stared at him blankly. “Really? Running away, stealing a car, and running away again. You think you’re just going to walk away with a slap on the wrist?”

“Yea you’re right that might be a problem, but I’ll think of something.”

We drove up his driveway and got out of the car. I started stretching as we stood in front of the door.

“What are you doing?” Trevor said watching amusingly.

“Watch and be amazed.” I said grinning.

“If you’re planning on escaping again, well then you’ve got another thing coming.” He rang the door bell and not two minutes later, a familiar woman with fiery red hair opened the door. (Time to work my magic.)

“You two in the house now!” her voice was fierce and it made me think twice on whether or not I should continue with my plan. We entered the house and she pointed to a living room. I followed Trevor as he entered the room. There were a couple of expensive looking couches, a fire place filled with family photos, and a massive flat screen. (DAMN! Rich people got style.) I turned around to see her arms crossed and her foot tapping.

“Sit.” She said and walked away for a moment. When she came back, Tyson and Damon were at either side of her. She commanded them the same thing and we all squished together on the couch. I made a small grin appeared on my face, time to put my plane into action.

“Beth, I am so, so sorry for running off, but being kidnapped and forced to sleep in someone’s yard, can really scare a girl.” Trevor rolled his eyes and I began tearing for more effect. I was about to say something more when Beth stopped me.

“Save it sister I was a teen once too.” (When five hundred years ago?) Trevor started laughing hysterically.

“I’m amazed alright. You just got owned by my mom.” She turned toward him.

“Shut your trap Trevor or no human blood for a month.” His jaw shut quite quickly and we all stared in awe at the scary, angry woman.

“You four are in very big trouble. First off, you young lady,” she turned toward me. “Can’t you just sit still for one minute? Running off, stealing a car, and getting hurt, I’m surprised you’re not dead yet. This is not how a pet should act.  And boys, you all should know better than going to try and find her on a school day it is not acceptable! ... Wa wa wa wa ...” Her voice eventually sounded like all the adults in Charlie Brown and I just zoned out for the rest of the speech. My thoughts were interrupted when, she came over to me and waved a hand over my face.

“Were you even listening to me?”

“Oh right sorry, Damon! How could you leave school with the guys? That’s unacceptable education is very important.” I didn’t know who she was angry at last so I just picked a guy. He just shook his head and glared.

“And it’s why I’m sending you to one.” Beth said catching my attention.

“I’m sorry what?”

“Well I can’t just have you running around in the house planning escape plans all day. And they have a special program at Trevor’s school for pets it will be perfect.”

“What!?!” my head snapped toward Trevor and Tyson. They both looked at each other nervously and then back at Beth. Something was up with those two…

“Mom you can’t embarrass me like this!” (Gee now I’m an embarrassment, how comforting for my self-esteem.)

“Seriously, Aunt B! No blood and being forced to stay here is harsh enough as it is this, this is just cruel!”

“Hush all of you! She is going and that’s final!” We all got up to leave. I just kept my head down and mentally cried. (Why Me! G-d, Why Me!) Then being the massive spaz that I am, hit my head on a wall, lost my balance, fell on my back, and hit my head again.

“Ow…” I said curling up into a ball and rubbing my head. Trevor and the others turned around confused and oblivious to what just happened. ( Thank G-d!)

“Why is it that I always find you on the floor?” Trevor then stretched out his hand for me to grab it. I contemplated whether I actually wanted his help or not. (Ah, to hell with it!) I smiled and grabbed his hand.


Hi Sorry It took so long to Upload I was on vaction! Spring Break Rocks! I'm all tan and mostly sun burnt! I would have posted the day after I got home but then I got sick for two days my temp was 101.8 at one point  and 97.3 the next. but I'm feeling much better now. (that last line reminded me of monty python and the holy grail ;p) Antyways I am contantly hitting my head, falling, and hitting my head agian, that my friends named stunts like that after me ;p. STAY AWESOME! *FF: Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

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