School Was Fun While It Lasted

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Thursday afternoon was one of the sunniest afternoons I’ve seen in months. And I decided to spend the rest of the day in the back yard. I played a bit with Leon before we both got tired (well mostly me) and collapsed on the fresh cut lawn. It was really hard to look at the sun so I just closed my eyes. And for once in a really long time I felt relaxed; like nothing could touch me. And it felt good.

“Hey Leon, can you move out of the way your blocking the sun.” I said when a shadow hovered over me.

He didn’t move.

“Leon I’m not going to say please if that’s what your waiting f…” I finally opened my eyes to see Trevor standing over me. “Hey Trevor could you move.” I said propping myself up onto my shoulders. “Are you def.. wait… what the hell’s up with your eyes. They weren’t the same shade of blue anymore. In fact, they were darker, much, much darker. “If this is your idea of a joke, it’s starting to piss me off. So stop.” He flashed a smile and his fangs were larger and sharper than usual. “Seriously dude, stop it.” He then pounced on top of me. “I swear to Gd Trevor, if even one fang touches my neck, I will kill you.”

“I’d like to see you try.” He said chuckling. And then he sank his teeth into me.


I woke up at the foot of Trevor’s bed. I was breathing hard and I quickly checked my neck for any damage. I felt nothing. I let out a sigh. There were no marks but I couldn’t shake off the tingly feeling that lingered.

“Hey do you mind keeping your heart rate down. I might actually eat you if you don’t.” Trevor said half asleep.

“You’re a real jerk you know that!” I got up huffing and slammed the door on my way out. I knew he was joking, but I had enough jokes for one night. I checked the clock on the wall. (five thirty six, well there’s no point in going back to bed. So now what am I supposed to do.) My stomach growled and I found my answer. (TO THE KITCHEN!)

I heard the pitter patter of paws and looked behind me to see Leon behind me. His silver fur glistened as the first drops of sunlight touched the silky hairs on his fuzzy body. His tail waved in the air as he trotted toward me. He panted happily when he finally reached my side. I ruffled the top of his head and we continued on our way.

“Good morning.” I said in a whisper.

“Morning.” He barked. “You’re up early.”

“Yeah I couldn’t sleep.” We walked into the kitchen to see some cooks preparing breakfast. One asked me if I would like anything I said pancakes and some cooked meat for Leon. When the food arrived the chef gave me a pitcher of blood to pour on the hotcakes. I laughed and asked for some syrup. (Maple)I sighed. Not even my own kind recognizes me as one of them. Halfway through the meal Tyson walked in surprised to see me up.

“Hey” he said wiping the sleep off his eyes.

“Hi” I said taking a bite of my pancake. He sat down and poured himself a drink. “So…” I said trying to start a conversation. “Are you going to the party thing tonight?”

“Yeah.” He said guzzling down what I believed was rabbit juice. (Yuck!) I gave him a skeptical look.

“Oh I didn’t think it was your thing…”

“Just because I’m a rebel doesn’t mean I don’t know how a good time have.” I grinned and he grinned back.

“Maybe after school we can get the gang together and we can buy something for it.” He smiled and brought his glass to his lips again.

“Sure that sounds fun.” He said speaking into his glass. We spoke for a bit more before the rest of the gang trickled in. I told them my idea and Stella was all in for it, but because Trevor is so obnoxious, he took a little more convincing. So I threatened to tell the entire school who I really am. (A “pet”… Blah!)

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