How Did I Not See That Coming?

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I managed to find my way toward the entrance. A heavy-set security guard blocked the exit. I sighed (how the hell am I supposed to get out of this one?) I started walking toward the double doors.

“And where do you think you’re going?” The guard asked, stepping in front of me. He crossed his arms over his blubbery chest and gave me a ‘mean’ glare.

“Oh you know, just taking a stroll. It’s such a nice day out.” The man scoffed in my face.

“Nice try kid back to class.” I contemplated on just bolting through the doors and not looking back. It was clear that this man’s diet only consisted of doughnuts and the occasional cake or cookie; I would be able to lose him in a matter of seconds. (Ah What the hell it’s worth a shot right?) It seems like the guy was onto me the second I put my right foot forward. He took out a black baton from his side. It extended and before I could understand what had happened, I was already on the ground.

“Was that really necessary?” I said rubbing my sore cheek.

“I may be fat but I’m not stupid, now get to class.” I grinned. I like this man.

“You Sir, have just gained my respect. What is your name?” I said pushing myself up and wiping invisible dirt of my jeans.

“It’s Frank. Now leave or do you want me to drag your ass back to class?”  My grin grew into a full smile. This man didn’t give two shits about anyone. (Oh these people are so rare! I want to give him an award.)

“Well Frank it’s been a pleasure, but I am busy trying to escape so we’ll have to talk later okay?” I shook his hand before turning my heel and walking in the other direction.

“You’re one strange kid you know that!” he shouted behind me.

“So I’ve been told.” I shouted back. Miraculously, I ended up in front of an old wooden door that seemed to be falling off of its hinges. I looked up at the black letters above the door. I sighed. (Might as well see what they’re up to.) I turned the handle; the door creaked as I walked in. I saw Mary (or was it Perri?) and her gang sitting in the same spot as they were the last time I saw them. Mary caught my gaze and smiled before coming over. I saw the girl from the fight and she gave me a smile before I sat down.

“Um… You’re not a … vampire… are you? Her question was barley auditable. I laughed.

“Hell No!” The room seemed to relax and the kids around me seemed to loosen up.

“Oh… Cool…I’m Casey by the way and thanks again for helping me and Jared out.”

“No problem and nice to meet ya.”

“We heard what you did and we think it’s awesome that you kicked vampire butt.” Perri said grinning.

“Yea Vampires are disgusting they disserve to get punished.” A boy from the rebel table said, over hearing our conversation.

“Well you don’t believe all of them should be punished do you?” heads around the class room nodded and my eyes widened. “Well sure there are some pricks that deserve a good beating, but not all of them should be deemed for what they’ve done. I personally know a couple bats that I call my friends. How many honestly like the vamps you live with?” kids looked at each other curiously, but did nothing. I sighed and stood up. “Come on hands up. It’s not like I’m going to tell or anything.” One hand slowly rose and then another until, half the class had their hands in the air. “Cool that actually worked… Keep your hands raised if your vamp has ever done anything nice for you.” Only a couple of hands went down. “Now how many of you are tired of being treated like pets?” All hands rose. “Well it’s time for you guys to do something about it.”

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