It's Called Personal Space Asshole!

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I awoke to find myself on a pile newspapers and my body felt sore and stiff. It must've been around one or two in the morning because the moon was still pretty high in the sky. (Ha that’s a rhyme!)  As I looked around the dark room I saw a huge empty bed only about two feet from where I was sitting.( If they honestly believe that I'm going to sleep on this cold floor they've got another thing coming.) I jumped onto the bed and got comfortable. (Temperpeidic nice.) As I was about to fall back asleep I noticed there was something annoying around my neck, but I was too tired to do anything about it so I made a mental note to figure out what it was in the morning. (Mental note* figure out what the hell is around my neck in the morning.)

At one point in the night it got really cold so I snuggled up into the pillows where I was warm once again. Except in the morning I wasn't snuggling into pillows no, I was getting comfy with some shirtless dude. I looked up to see his sleeping face his black scruffy hair covered his forehead. (Damn!) I quickly shook that thought away. Now wasn't the time to be gawking over some guy even if he was ridiculously good looking and is maybe one or two years older than me. I had to find a way to escape and fast.

I lifted his limp arm that was currently around my waist and quietly got out of bed. I tried lifting the window, but it was jammed shut. As I walked toward the door I noticed in the mirror hanging on the door that the annoying thing around my neck was actually a collar and no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't budge. (What did they super glue this or something?) I looked around for my screwdriver to see if that could pry it open but it was no were in sight. I saw something shiny on a desk across the room and me and my bad eye sight didn't realize it was a weird shaped card till I got a hell lot closer. Not caring if it was for me or not I read it.

Trevor, I bought you a pet-

"Pet?" I whispered (Oh dear lord I hope she's not talking about me.)

Isn't she cute! I thought this might get you out of the house. After all you can't just keep her locked up all day. She was quite expensive so please take care of her. love your dear Mother P.S. I bought the manual and kit so please consider looking at it.

I looked at the book: Caring for pets for new owners! I tossed the book aside manuals are for nerds. I saw lying next to where the book had been a weird looking hat and as I picked it up something fell out. It was a small paper that read Mood Ears! (What the hell is that?) I flipped the paper. Ears change position depending on your pet's mood. You'll always know what they're feeling!

"Oh. Well that’s stupid." I whispered I tried it on anyways and thought of one my happier memories. As I looked in the mirror I not only noticed how cute I look but the ears perked up a bit. "Weird..." I said lightly touching the ears.

"I think it suits you." A cool voice said from behind me. I jumped a little surprised to hear a voice other than mine.

"Looks like sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up." I said try to sound cocky. (G d he had such gorgeous blue eyes)(No Oz get yourself together and stop acting like such a girl!)(1 I am a girl I can't just stop being one besides it’s not my fault blame hormones and his perfect abs 2 I know I have find a way out and that annoying screw driver. 3 CHILL OUT) (Chill out you’re telling me to chill out! Ahh HELL NO!---

This bickering in my head lasted a couple of minutes before I realized a huge grin that was plastered on his face. (Oh shit... Can he read my thoughts?) He nodded while keeping that stupid look on his face.

"Get out of my head you jerk!"

"Why should I its fun hearing you argue with yourself about my perfect abs." His smile grew wider.

"And by now you should have guessed by now that you're my pet and I am your master." He started coming closer and I began getting nervous and those stupid ears were showing it, but for some reason I couldn't move. So I just glared into his eyes."And as your master I can do whatever I want to you and no one can stop me." By the time he finished speaking, a hand was on the wall for him to lean on and his face was a mere few inches from mine.

"I'm sorry but you're a little close for my liking." I said while breaking from my trance and kicking him in his manhood. He then fell to the ground and moaned.

"It’s called personal space asshole!" I shouted while running out the door and laughing.


So that was Chapter 3. I hoped you enjoyed! Also I would love to hear what you guys think about it. The next chapter can get a little confusing, but I'm sure you guys will get it. Thats all for now! STAY AWESOME

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