Not Another Vampire Story-Chapter 2 Ow... My Face

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"Ow...My head." I mumbled not realizing where I was until my face hit something that felt like the back of a truck door.

"Ow...My face." I mumbled again. And to my disappointment I could soothe either sore spots because when I finally opened my eyes I saw not only were my hands tied, but so were my feet.

"You have got to be kidding me. Did I seriously get myself kidnapped" I whispered to myself noticing there were others sleeping and didn't want to wake them. (Because who wants to hear a whole bunch of people screaming there asses off the whole time. As for me I usually flip out in my head.)

It felt like my head was about to explode as I was staring down the ropes hoping for them to break or release me. Like I said before, I'm new at the whole powers thing and I don't really know how to use them.

When I finally gave up on the ropes coming off themselves I took out my screw driver hoping it would do some good. But, to my displeasure once again nothing happened.

"Oh come on not you too. Work you stupid thing." Nothing happened. (in fact it might have dulled some more.)

"Ahh... shit... no I didn't mean that please work."Still nothing.

"Damn it." I did the best next thing I could think of and started biting on the rope.

"Ty I think our little princess woke up." A deep voice said. It sounded like the creepy silver haired guy. Me, being an idiot did the only thing I could think of and pretend to fall back asleep.

"Does she honestly believe we're that dumb?"

"Yes I do." I said while still closing my eyes. The next thing I knew someone picked me up around my waist and sat me on their lap. When I opened my eyes again I noticed I was sitting on creepy hair guy's lap.

"Would you hold still my little princess" He said

"No! And would you stop calling me princess! You creeper!" I said finally making a breakthrough in the ropes. I hate girly things so to be called something girly was just awful.

"Then how about little fox, since you're just as feisty as one."

"How about calling me by my name" I said getting annoyed.

"Well what is little fox's name?"

"Why should I tell you when I don't even know your name?"

"Well my name is Damon and that guy over there is Tyson."

"Yo" He said showing off those pearly white fangs. My first thought was great my kidnappers want to be my friends before they ripped my face off.

"My name's Oz"

"pfft like Wizard of Oz" Tyson snickered

"No! You jerk it's just Oz plain and simple."I stammered. I suddenly realized that I was staring at Tyson a little longer then I should have and quickly looked away. He's the guys whose abs are made of steel and is the reason for my headache. He had dark auburn hair and chocolate eyes. (And what’s this ladies and gentlemen he was average hot not overly dramatic hot, but then sun light hit him and he sparkled like a little fairy! Just kidding. No but seriously this guy looked like a freaking god. Maybe he's gay could explain the really tight pants he's wearing and gay guys always look their best both physically and fashionably every guy should be little gay in that sence-)

"I'm not gay!" Tyson shouted.

"What the hell! Get the fuck out of my head!" I screamed "Can you read my mind as well", now yelling at Damon.

"No, no little fox I’m not as strong as Tyson it’s best if you didn't pick fights with him"

"So what are you going to do to me and the people in the back? Serve us for dinner to your gang leader?"

"Actually yes that’s exactly what we're supposed to do" Tyson said a little shocked at my guess.

"Say what now... I was just guessing you’re not serri...Damon what the hell are you doing!" I said starting to freak out as he tilted my head to the side.

"Well since you mentioned dinner I’m getting kind of hungry and you seem like the perfect snack." he said this while licking my neck. (AH HELL NO PERV) I instinctively punched him in the face breaking my half bitten ropes. I jumped off his lap and tried to run. I had forgotten my feet were tied too and I face planted into the ground. I could hear Tyson laughing his ass off in the background. I felt myself get lifted again and put on Damon's lap again.

"Now that wasn't very nice little fox, but since I like you I'll give you one more chance and I won't do anything bad until we get to the house. Do we have a deal?"He said this while grasping my wrists too tight (any tighter and they could have broke.) I nodded afraid that all that would come out of my mouth were yelps now was not the time to show weakness.

"Good girl." He said. Then I bit him as hard as I could. "Shit why you little brat!" (Oh crap I'm dead I'm so dead. Well it was one hell of a life. Wait what am I thinking I don’t want to die!) The Last thing I heard before falling into complete darkness was "dude did you just bitch slap her?"


I hoped you enjoyed chapter 2! I might upload the rest later, but if you can't wait it's on Quizilla. STAY AWESOME! 

Not Another Vampire Story-The Adventures Of A Little JinxxWhere stories live. Discover now