Cruentas is a Boss ass Bitch

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(This chappie is for @kelsyJDeffinbaugh! I'm so sorry if I didn't get that right! Lol. Enjoy BABEH!

Faith-FUCK THIS.FUCK THAT.AND FUCK THAT ASWELL!*begins to throw things at the wall.
Cruentas-*stairs at her*
Faith-*stops and stairs back* WHAT. Got a problem with my style?!*lays on the couch and sobs into pillow* I HATE MUH LIFE!
Cruentas-*casually walks to her and nibbles on her hair and rubs head against her comfortingly*
Faith-*sniff* you know.your very sweet.
Cruentas-*huffs in appreciation*
Faith-*smiles* and I know just what will make me feel better!
(Later that day)
Death-*walks into room casually and puts keys on counter.looks up and stairs in horror.* WHAT.THE.FUCK IS GOING ON!WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HORSE!
Faith-*sitting on top of Cruentas surrounded by big fluffy a tutu and bedazzling cruentases hair*
Cruentas-*smirks evilly at death* sly mother fucker....

(I love this idea so much! Lol but I feel I didn't do a good job on it! But I hope you enjoyed it.I'm gonna start a knew thing to go along with the dares. How about a Q AND A? I don't know I'm talking shit again! XD peace💀✌🏻️)

Death Is My BFF crack-ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora