Sleep over

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(Hhhiiiiuiiiiiiiih. Chapter for you guys. I'm literally so lazy and did not plan this at all. I just wrote it and went with the flowww. Like a period. Sorry,too soon. :3.  Also, my Wattpad is acting up so everything is in freaking bold letters. I'll fix it when I can. Luv u guys*

FAith- Well?

Death-*laying on the floor playing with phone while chewing gum* well what?

Faith- we have been sitting in my room for almost an hour watching crappy movies and literally just laying around. What are you still doing here?

Death-*pops bubble* Uhh it's a sleep over bitch, get over it.

Faith- What's the point in a sleep over?  We see each other almost everyday!

Death-*pouty face* I get LONLEY OKAY! Besides.... I've never had a sleep over before, well I did once but I don't think you would consider a bunch of shirtless girls feeling up each other a sleep over... never mind.


Death-*looks up at her* Shut up.

Faith-I didn't say anything.

Death- you where thinking, it's annoying.

Faith-*deep sigh* Well I'm bored. This is a lame ass sleep over.

Death-*still playing with phone* Oh really? And what do you do at normal girl sleep overs besides text and talk about your feelings? Masturbate together and call it a day? 

Faith- Um first off... ew. Second... *throws pillow hard at him* WE HAVE PILLOW WAAARSSSS!

Death-*throws phone across the room* YES IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT! BRING IT YOU VIRGIN BITCH! *gathers pillows around him*

Faith-*stands on bed like a warrior* THIS...IS SPARTAAAAAA! *begins to attack with pillow*

Death- ah! Shit my dick! *grabs his junk* CAREFUL! YOU HIT MY PRECIOUS CARGO!!  *hits her with pillow using one hand* HYAAA! HYAAAA!

Faith- *going crazy* HAHAHA! I AM WINNING!

Death- NOT YET YOUR NOT! * uses his powers to sling all pillows in the room at her*

Faith-*muffled under all the pillows on the floor* NOT FAIR! YOU CANT USE YOUR GAY DEMON POWERS!

Death- Too late. I win. *lays on top of the pillow pile and starts to tweet again.*

Faith-*muffled giggling* Get off! You way a ton!

(If you got the Sherlock reference in the middle I love you. Be my friend please.)

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