Chapter 5

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"Hey" I greeted as I went to where Derek and Kathleen was.

"Lexi, I didn't expect to see you back here until maybe next week" Derek smiled she he saw me.

"Well you know I just couldn't keep away for too long" I chuckled.

"I know you love here" Derek chuckled. "Lexi, this is Kathleen".

Hey Kathleen its nice meeting you" I smiled at her I stretched my hand for her to shake.

"You too" she smiled back at me slightly but you could see that she was feeling down. "I guess I should go".

"Wait" I said to her before turning to Derek. "Hey Derek can you give us a minute?"

"Uh sure Lexi" he replied before leaving us.

"I really have to go" Kathleen said to me.

"I know but this hopefully won't take long" I smiled. "So Kathleen huh? Nice name".

"Uhm thanks" Kathleen replied.

"I was wondering how about having lunch with me Kathleen" I smiled at her.

"Uhm... I uh... I'm not sure that's a good idea" Kathleen finally replied after stuttering.

"Why not?" I asked her curiously.

"We don't really know each other that much" Kathleen replied rubbing her arms.

"Well that's why I'm inviting you to lunch. I don't you but for some reason I like you, so I'm hoping to get to know you more" I told her.

"Its just that... Uhm... Don't take this the wrong way. But I'm not really into girls" she said nervously.

"So?" I asked confused.

"So lunch probably wouldn't be such a good idea since I uhm... I like guys" Kathleen replied.

It was then that I realized what she was talking about. She thought I was gay and I was hitting on her.

"Oh, you thought I was asking you out" I laugh.

"Well aren't you?" Kathleen asked confused.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. It probably sounded that way, I never thought about it. But now sweetie, I'm the owner of this restaurant. I heard you were looking for a job" I laughed seeing the looks on her face.

"Oh my God, I had no idea" Kathleen chuckled embarrassed. "I am so sorry for my assumption".

"No it's okay" I laughed. "It probably sounded like I was asking you out. You're really beautiful by the way but I have a boyfriend. So how about that lunch?"

"Uh yeah sure miss...?"

"Its Luciano but just call me Lexi okay" I smiled at her.

"Okay uhm Lexi" she replied.

"I hope you don't mind following me to this new restaurant that I bought to finalized the deal first" I said to her.

"No not at all" Kathleen replied.

"Okay. So did you get here in your car or what?" I asked as we started walking back to the restaurant's exit.

"Uhm... No I don't have a car, I got here via taxi" Kathleen replied following me.

"Well we'll take my car then" I said to her as we walked in the direction of my car.

"You have a nice car" Kathleen said to me as we both entered my car and I start the engine.

"Thanks" I replied as I drove off.

"So Kathleen are you from around here?" I asked her.

"Well not really I've just move here recently from Texas" she replied.

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