Chapter 53

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"You wanna go out tomorrow evening or something?" Kathleen asked as we sat down in the living room.

"What?" I asked turning to look at her in surprise. "You wanna go out?"

"Yeah, I mean its been a while since I've had a little fun" Kathleen said to me.

"Really?" I asked before starting to laugh.

"What?" Kathleen asked looking at me confused. "Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

"Don't you have 'fun' with Dominic" I chuckled doing air quotes around 'fun and emphasising Dominic's name.

"Stop" Kathleen gasp smacking my arm playfully.

"You're blushing" I said to her. "Did you?"

"No" Kathleen replied. "We're taking things slow, we are still getting to know each other"

"Good for you" I said to her. "Maybe if I had took things slowly maybe things would be different now".

"How long did you and Gio take to get to know each other?" Kathleen asked curiously.

"Honestly, not long" I sighed. "We met and after a couple weeks we hit it off. I can't believe I was that stupid, we hardly truly knew each other".

"You still love him?" Kathleen asked me.

"I... I don't know" I told her truthfully.

I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about Gio. I know that I was furious at him for everything that he has done, and I sure want to make him suffer for it all but did I hate him enough to possible kill him? That I wasn't so sure about.

"I understand if you still do" Kathleen said to me. "Loving someone isn't something you can just stop doing all at once, it takes time".

"I know" I sighed. "Anyway, what do you wanna do tomorrow?"

"I don't know maybe a party or a club or something" Kathleen respond.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked. "I mean, are you sure you want to go partying with me? The last time I knock out a woman by banging her head on the bathroom sink. Are you willing to take that risk again?"

"Lexi if its one thing I know from we've met its that you hurting people tends to be inevitable" Kathleen replied. "But I've also learned that you only do things when you have valuable reasons"

"Well in that case, I think I may know a place" I said to her.

"Hey dad. Is everything alright?" I said as I walked into the kitchen and saw him just sitting down at the table doing nothing.

"Oh hi sweetie" Dad smile up at me. "Everything is fine, I was just thinking".

"About what?" I asked curious.

"Well I was thinking I should open another business place, you know like a casino or something" Dad replied.

"A casino?" I asked. "I thought you'd already have a few by now"

"Yeah well I started to thinking about it once and then never get around to it" Dad replied.

"Oh, I think that's a good idea anyway" I said to him as I pulled the bread from the cupboard.

"I'm going to do it then" Dad replied.

"You should" I said to him as I pulled the orange juice from the fridge and holding it up. "Want some?"

"Hmm... Yeah" Dad replied as I got the glasses.

I had pick up Kathleen from work early since we were planning on going out tonight. We were going out to one of Dominic's club. I honestly don't think I had ever set a foot in any of them before, I didn't see the need to it wasn't like I partied or went clubbing much. Kathleen was laughing and making fun of me ever since we got in the car. When she and I had came out of the store this mad man had walked up to me and start hitting on me. I tried ignoring him but he had proceeded to follow behind me and telling me I was sexy and he wanted me. Even worst he was talking quite loudly as he followed behind and drew the attention of a lot of people. It was the most embarrassing thing ever. I had hurried to the van and lock myself in and drove off to avoid being a bigger scene.

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