Chapter 8

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Its been over a week since Gio had offered to help me with the store business and by the looks of things I believe he was the one actually opening the store and handing it to me. I had just gave him the go a head to assist me, and gave him one of my keys so that he could take a look at the space if he wanted. When I showed up at the restaurant to check on the refurbishment and expansion process today, I also decided to go next door to look at the changes I would have to make but instead I found the large room almost totally ready for opening.

It was unbelievable, he had basically hired persons who had came in and repainted the large room, fixed in dressing rooms, etc. Cash registers and credit card machines were already in place. Like seriously he even had it fully organised packed with all types of women clothing as well as shoes along with other accessories on racks and shelves, there was even security cameras installed in here. The place was a complete store just waiting to be opened. The only things that were missing here was an official name and sign for the store and employees.

Honestly this was all a bit too much. When I had agreed for him to help me, this wasn't what I had in mind. I thought he was going to refer me to persons who could fixed up the place and that he'd just help me order the clothes stocks or oversee works being done when he wasn't busy, not complete the store and pay for everything. That was my job.

I walked around the back of the room realizing it was used as a storage room. When I looked around and in some of the boxes there I realized that there were other colour, sizes of shoes and clothes like those out front stored here. How did he managed to do all this in such a short time and even kept it from me was unbelievable. That was when I decided that I had to call him right away.

"Ciao cara mia" Gio answered his phone.

"I'm mad at you. Like really mad" I replied frowning though he couldn't see me.

"Oh no. What have I done now?"

"The store Gio" I fumed. "When I said yes you could hell me, I didn't mean you should just completely finished and stock it for me".

"I thought you appreciate not having all that work load to worry about" Gio replied sounding confused.

"Gio I really appreciate it, thank you. I don't want to seem ungrateful or anything but I just thought you were gonna refer me to persons or even oversee work with me whenever you aren't busy" I sighed. "At least let me know how much is it that I owe you".

"You don't owe me anything Lexi, its all yours. And I didn't say anything to you about it because I wanted to surprise you. So surprise" Gio replied.

"What!? Gio you can't do that, you can't just hand me a complete store. That was my job to do that"

"Well technically I'm not handing you a store since you already own the store space. I'm just trying to be a supporting boyfriend by trying to get the excess work load you'd have to handle off your back" Gio replied. "I'm sorry if you feel like I've somehow deprived you of doing the things like ordering and stocking whatever you want".

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