Bonus Chapter

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Kathleen had been working at an animal shelter when she met Keith. She was 18years old and still living with her foster parents at the time. Her foster Dad and the owner of the shelter were good friends and so her Dad had gotten her that job. She was in her final year of high school and so she'd helped out at the animal shelter in the evenings after school and on Saturdays.

Keith was 21years old at that time and had often saw Kathleen most evenings at the animal shelter. He was working at the Burger King across the road and decided he was going to approach the beautiful dark hair girl. One afternoon, after Keith had finished his shift he decided to go over and try his luck. He went inside the animal shelter claiming he wanted to adopt a puppy. It so happens that Kathleen was the one whom her boss assigned to helped Keith. Keith had put on a show for her that day,he was cooing over the animals-about how cute he thought the kittens were on how he just wish he could adopt them all.

It wasn't long before Keith had asked Kathleen out. Kathleen began going out with Keith behind her parents back as they had a strict policy; no dating until after college. Her grades started dropping as a result because she no longer spent any free time she had studying, instead she'd be sneaking off somewhere with Keith. Somehow Kathleen had fallen for Keith big time. Being with Keith-an older guy- Kathleen felt a certain trill as she continued sneaking around with him, she'd even skipped school a few days when Keith had his days off.

However, Kathleen was working towards getting a scholarship to university. She was also a sure thing, When her grades started dropping and her perfect attendance was no longer looking perfect, her teachers had called in her parents putting their concerns to them. Her parents were shocked by the news and didn't have any idea what was going on. They confronted Kathleen about it and later found out that all this major changes was as a result of a certain boyfriend she had. Her parents begged her to stop seeing him and start picking up back on her studying and school work but Kathleen told them she needed to live her own life, that all her life she has been studying and trying to be the perfect foster daughter for them but it was now time they give her a chance to have her way.

Her foster parents tried convincing her some more for months to stop seeing Keith, telling her he wasn't any good for her and that she needed to focus on school now more than ever but Kathleen didn't want to hear any of it. Finally, months came and she lost the scholarship. Her parents couldn't afford to send her to university from their own so they told her she'd have to continued working and then after a year they would still tried helping her go to university but Kathleen couldn't stand their nagging anymore and plus Keith had asked her to move in with him at his apartment. So Kathleen had told off her foster parents and moved out and in with Keith.

A year and a few months had passed and things were alright between the two until all of a sudden Kathleen started noticing the changes. Keith would hardly have any time for her anymore, he'd come home late hours of the nights sometimes he didn't even come home any at all. Soon she started receiving calls at home from guys asking for Keith or telling her to tell him they want their money. Keith had also lost his job and every now on then they would be in some quarreling. He started smoking pot and often times would bring home his buddies and they'd all sat around the living room drinking and smoking. Kathleen had noticed all these changes and when she confronted him about it he would deny it.

More months came and now Keith was starting to be rude and disrespectful to her. He'd call her names and throw insults at her from time to time but it was even worst when he smoked and had his friends around. He just wasn't the same guy she had fallen for. Next thing she knew was that he would demand that she give him her money from time to time. Then he started getting arrested, she herself was even arrested one time when the police had came to their apartment and found a large amount of marijuana.

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