Chapter 69

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"Lexi, would you mind waiting for me outside for a minute?" Gio asked me once the meeting was over. "I'll be out in a second, I need to have a word with few of my guys".

"Yeah, okay" I replied getting up. "I'll just look around I guess".

"I'll only be a few minutes. Don't go too far" Gio said to me.

"Don't worry, I won't go get lost" I said to him smiling.

"I wasn't worried about you getting lost, I'm more worried about you getting into trouble" Gio said to me taking my hand in his.

"I won't, I promise" I said to him as I gave his hand a little assuring squeeze.

"Alright" Gio said before letting go my hand.

I made my way out of the conference room before closing the door behind me then walking to the living room area. The place was really one fit for persons in this type of business. So far why I've seen was the house doesn't seemed to have much color, not that I'd expect it to be all that colorful. The furniture was quite exquisite though, most likely expensive based on the type of wood and other materials they were made of. The only thing that you could say make this house doesn't seemed all ghostly would be the few large paintings that were hang on the walls and a few trophy statues.

"I'm curious to know how you do it" I heard a familiar voice said from behind me as I stood admiring a painting on the wall.

"Oh hi Joe, its so good to see you again" I turned around smiling at him. "Glad to see you up on your feet again".

"I'm glad to be up on them again after someone we know broke them" he said to me.

"Ancient history" I said smirking before refocusing on the painting trying to figure it out.

"How do you do it? You get a guy to fall for you, then you lie and betray him. Shot him, got him so mad at you enough to want to kill you, then for him to suddenly fall right back into your arms? I thought you hated Gio now" Joe asked folding his arms. "I need to know how you get away with such things?"

"I don't know maybe all this gave me a free pass" I joked pointing
to my body.

"You're probably right, but that must possessed a strong superpower" Joe said to me.

"Maybe" I chuckled before going serious. " Anyway all that is in the past, and unless you're ready to dig everything up once again its best we leave it at that".

"You know what good luck with whatever game you're up to again this time" he replied.

"Who said its a game?" I asked raising a brow. "Look Joe, as crazy as this may sound and despite all that has happened, I'm in love with your boss okay? And that's the only reason I'm here today, the only reason you're still breathing today. So believe it or not this isn't a game,well not anymore".

"Wow, I didn't..." Joe began before I cut him off.

"Yeah wow. Now that we get that settled maybe you should just go now, go do whatever it is you have to do. I don't really feel all particularly chatty today" I said to him.

"I'll see you around Lexi" was all Joe said before walking off.

"Maybe you will" I replied.

I went over to a statue of a head that stood at one corner of the room. It was strange, it was like it had two faces one at the front
and another at the back. It was one that held my attention, I couldn't resist tracing my fingers over it. If I was to interpret what this sculpture means, I'd say it was a representation of the lives we lived as people. We show one face to the world- pit on a front- yet if you look beyond the surface we're living a totally different life, hence the two faces. I have to say it is clearly a representation of my life, if no one else's.

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