Chapter 27

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Giovanni's POV

"Lexi?" I called out once I was back in my penthouse.

I was met with nothing but silence. I walked towards the bedroom looking for her.

"Lexi you in here?" I asked once I was in the bedroom.

But once again silence and an empty room greeted me. I looked around noticing that her bags and stuff that she had over here was gone. She obviously left, I should have figured that out when I didn't see her car when I got back here. She was probably upset about me leaving her at the gym earlier. I took my phone from my pocket deciding to call her.

"Hello" Lexi answered after one ring.

"Lexi, you left" I said to her. "I thought you'd be waiting four me until I get back"

"I'm at home. I didn't feel like staying there" She said to me.

"Why not? You knew I'd be back" I said to her.

"Gio, I didn't came over to stay at your place just so I could be alone okay. I've waited up for you more than once when you just so happened to run off each time, and you never returned soon enough" she said to me. "I just didn't feel like doing that today so I left".

"And your mad about me running off? Don't you get it? I told you its work stuff that needed my attention, I had to go" I said to her.

"That's the thing Gio, I don't get it, what sort of issues do you need to be keep running off randomly just like that? On your days off in the middle of the night? I don't get it" she said to me.

"Lexi I'm sorry I promised I'll make it up to you okay?" I replied.

"Yeah. Look Gio I don't really feel like doing this with you right now. I'll talk to you later okay" she said to me.

I knew she was going to hang up soon so I tried to stop her.

"Lexi wait, don't..." I said to her but she hung up on me.

"...hang up" I finished looking down at my phone before putting it back in my pocket.

I groaned running my hands through my hair in frustration. I hate this. I was lying to her and I hate it. I know I just couldn't out right tell her who I was, I couldn't say to her 'Lexi, you know that besides working on a business industry I also run a Mafia'. She would run miles away from me and never talk to me again. I was being selfish right now and I knew it but I just don't wanna lose her. But me continuing lying to her was gonna make me lose her as well and I couldn't tell her the truth. Telling Lexi that I run a Mafia was not something I intended on doing either.

Things just weren't going my way of late. First there was Rostov, the stupid Russian who had been holding a grudge for me and the Cavelli's group since I've taken over the business from my father. He wanted revenge for one of his girls that we had to get rid of when she had been sent over undercover to get through to one of our guys just so she could get information on us. That was over four years ago and he still couldn't let it go. He had sent threats that he'd take back Lexi since she was the only girl I've ever seriously settled down with. I had went to Chicago just to confront him to give up, he just told me that he'd get his revenge by hitting where it would hurt most. I even end up getting shot in the shoulder by one of his men when I pulled my gun on him after hearing him mentioned Lexi's name. When I came back to New York Lexi had accidentally touched my wounded shoulder and I had winced, she had obviously figured that something was wrong but I managed to convinced her that I was fine. After the wound had healed on the outside, I went ahead and got a tattoo covering the area so that Lexi wouldn't noticed the scar from the shot wound.

Rostov even came here to New York determined that he was gonna get to Lexi. I knew that he wasn't kidding about that so Lucas and I along with my other men had come up with a plan to get rid of him. We were supposed to take him out at the SEATO hotel where he was staying the very same night he was already found dead. The Luciano's must've gotten to him before us. When one group kills another mafia boss who they didn't have any listed past conflicts with it was always to take over and have that group members join there's since they would now be without a leader. It only made sense now, we were losing some of our trading deals with our dealers and then our shipments were being stolen from months back. The connections now pointed to the Luciano's when I figure that it was because of that group why we had been losing those deals. They were most likely the ones who have been stealing our shipments as well.

I had also learnt that Luciano's son had now taken over the business just as I had taken over from my Dad. Couple weeks ago some of my men had a run in with one of Luciano's guy, but the idiot had managed to escaped. We've been planning to hit back on one of the Luciano's deals as revenge. Today at the gym with Lexi, Lucas had call me informing me that the Luciano's were getting a shipment today. We were planning to get back at them for a good while now and so I had to be there. But when we got to the dock they were already leaving. It was like they didn't have much things to collect and sort out for them to be leaving that fast. That or they somehow knew we were coming.

I just had a feeling that maybe we had a mole in the group. I think those Luciano's were being warned. I was going to find out who that was. I believe the Luciano's obviously have someone undercover in my group or something, because they were most likely informed about our plans, back at SEATO hotel with our plans to take out Rostov and then again today with us planning to get back at them.

Nothing was going my way today, first the Luciano guy got away before we could get back at them and their shipment and now Lexi was mad at me. And I couldn't blame her, I kept running off whenever we were together without giving her a proper explanation and I was lying to her. She usually didn't ask much questions but I have this feeling now that she knows I'm not being completely honest with her and I hate it.

Hey guys if this chapter seems a bit jumbled or confusing or even full of errors, I'm sorry. I was really tired while writing this and I haven't read it over. So please just see with me if its a bit faulty.

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