Chapter 37

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So we've been back for two weeks now but I haven't been out of the house since, not that I was feeling up to going out either. Morning sickness was really up on me and it wasn't just in the morning. Who the hell came up with the name morning sickness anyway? I bet it was a male who had clearly never experienced it before. I was nauseous and throw up from time to time, in the mornings, throughout the day and even sometimes at nights. The sick feeling often arise whenever I am around certain food or products and the different smell hitting me. Even just the thought of a certain type of food trigger the nauseous feeling.

In addition to the morning sickness, I've been extremely tired and have been taking small cat naps. I have been able to hide the pregnancy from my family so far. I just told them that I was feeling jet lagged as my excuse. I know that I had to tell them eventually but I just couldn't bring myself to do it just yet. Kathleen was also very supportive and good at keeping my secret and preventing them from suspecting anything. I almost told mom about it last week since she was the easiest to deal with and would probably handle it better than Dad and Dominic would, but I chickened out. I just didn't know how to break it to her, I've been doing a pretty good job at keeping it a secret so far, I don't think they suspected anything but I wasn't sure how long I could
keep it a secret from them.

I was starting to feel the differences now, I didn't exactly looked pregnant on the outside but I was sure starting to feel pregnant on the inside. My bra was starting to feel a little bit snug as well as the waist of my jeans. Pretty soon the signs are going to start showing since I'm almost three months pregnant. I guess I'd just have to make up my mind and tell them soon. I pull out the envelope with the pictures that Liam had printed of the baby out of my night stand drawer. I open it and took out one of the pictures and looking at it. It still feel all so unbelievable knowing that I was carrying another life inside of me.

Looking at the picture I couldn't help but wonder if this baby was a girl or a boy. If my baby was a girl would she look like me having the same dark brown hair and brown eyes like I have or would she get the black hair and those green hazel eyes that seemed to change to a shade of brown from time to time like her father. What if it was a boy would he look like Gio or would he get my genes? I was caught up in my thoughts as I admire the picture in my hand that I didn't even heard my door being knocked the first time. It wasn't until I heard mom calling me before I snapped out of it quickly dropping the picture back in the envelope and pushing it back in the drawer.

"Come in" I answered.

"Hey" Mom said as she open the door coming in. "I've been knocking for a while now, didn't hear you. Did I wake you?"

"No, I was just caught up with something" I said to her.

"Oh" Mom nodded. "Is everything alright with you Lexi?"

"Yeah everything is fine" I smiled at her. "Why would you ask that?"

"Its just that ever since you've been back from Italy you just seem different" Mom said to me. "You've been really closed of and been spending a lot of your time locked up in here".

"Mom I'm fine really" I tried reassuring her.

"This is about what happened with Gio isn't it?" Mom said to me.

"Maybe" I replied looking down. "But I don't wanna talk about it
I just want to forget everything".

"Sweetie" mom said coming to sit on the bed beside me. "I know it hurts right now, but you have to give it time".

"I know" I said playing with my fingers in my lap. "Its just kinda hard to take in right now".

"Sorry sweetie" mom said pulling me to her. "It'll be okay eventually".

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