Chapter 42

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Giovanni's POV

After Joe had called letting me know that they've got Lexi I had planned to left right away to go to the warehouse but then I had a late meeting that I couldn't cancel so I had to stay back to deal with that. I called Lucas informing him to go in the meantime and that I'd show up later. I told him to try get her talking once she's conscious again. I know she can be a bit stubborn at times so I told Lucas that if she refused to talk to give her a little 'persuasion'. At the warehouse we have a shocking chair that we often used to get any information out of our enemies when we catch them. I was sure one shock out of it would make her talk.

The minute the meeting was done hour and half later I left the office heading straight to our private warehouse. When I showed up I saw Ciro and Joe outside.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's inside the 'interrogation' room" Joe replied. "Lucas is with her"

"Have he gotten anything out of her as yet?" I asked.

"We don't know, she's been spouting a lot of threats though" Ciro answered.

"You were right she's a spitfire" Joe said to me.

"I'm going in" I replied going inside.

At the warehouse we have this specific that we refer to as the interrogation room because that's kinda what we do in there, interrogate our enemies that got caught. I knock on the door and Lucas came out.

"You're here"Lucas said. "She refused to say anything at all and said she'd only talk when you get here"

"Didn't you used the persuasion technique I told you to?" I asked seriously.

"I did but I only got a few words from her" Lucas said to me.

"Which are?" I asked.

"She said she found out about Rostov being here in New York and staying at SEATO by eavesdropping on Luciano, they didn't know and she was the one who killed him, she snapped his neck" Lucas replied.

"What?" I asked shocked.

I know Lexi wasn't innocent like I had thought before but I didn't know that she'd be capable of doing something like this. I guess she was really a good actor by pretending she was all soft and innocent over the months.

"She even said that Dominic doesn't care about Gio or the Cavelli group but then that's it" Lucas said to me. "She seems to passed out after and throw up on the floor"

I went inside seeing Lexi restrained to the chair with duct tapes. She seemed to be unconscious, seeing her like this somehow made me felt guilty about doing this but then I remembered how she had been lying and betraying me ever since she's come into my life. She wasn't the innocent girl I've allowed myself to fall in love with, she was a traitor and a liar and I couldn't be weak. Being a man of my position I had to teach people a lesson when they crossed me. And Lexi have some information I need to know, after coming to learn how manipulative and a good actor Lexi can be this was probably just another act, to get out of talking and not receiving anymore shocks.

"Get her to keep taking" I said to Lucas.

"No Gio, I don't think that's a good idea, her body is obviously not strong enough to with stand the shock. I thought one shock at minimum volts were just enough to shake her up and get her to talk. But I don't think that was wise, she unconscious now" Lucas said to me.

"Lucas, you don't know her like I do. She's pretending, its all an act so that you'll leave her alone and she won't get to talk" I said to him.

"Gio" heard Lexi said weakly.

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