Chapter 2: Unwanted Reunions

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He was about 5' 8" and is the same age and grade as Tucker. He had blonde hair with a tint of brown here and there, styled in kind of a bowl, dusty blue eyes, and his body was well built, but don't let his looks deceive you. He's one of the most popular guys at school, the star football player on the school's football team who also happens to be the starting quarterback and the captain of the Varsity team, but he's also one of the school's biggest players. And we kinda have a history, but I don't really wanna talk about that. The only thing that I will say, though, is we did NOT date. He's wearing a blue, white, and black flannel shirt, dark blue jeans, a dusty pair of light brown cowboy boots, and a silver cross with a black dog chain with his football number, 15, engraved on it.

"Like what you see, darlin'," he asks, which is when I realize I'm checking him out, making me mad. I pick my books up and glare at him.

"I'd like to ask you the same thing, Travis," I reply, trying not to explode on him, "now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta head to class." Luckily, the classroom is right next to me, but he somehow tries to block my way.

"Would you please get out of my way," I ask, "I don't wanna be late on the first day, and you're not even a junior."

"1: no, 2: deal with it because this is my class, too, and 3: I got held back because I didn't have enough credits to pass last year," he replies. He can seriously get on my nerves.

"Well then maybe you should've spent less time going to parties, getting drunk off your ass, and making out with girls that only wanna get in your pants and actually studied for once," I murmured.

"You know I don't do that kinda thing," he chuckles, "you have known me longer than just about anyone."

"Doesn't seem like it these days," I huff. That's when I try to get passed him, which completely fails since he's mirroring my actions and blocking me from getting in. But as the bell rings and the door opens, I push him over and we both fall over, me on top of him. AWKWARD!

"Are you two done, because I'd like to get back to class," the teacher, Mr. Emmerson, asks the both of us. Now Mr. Emmerson is one of my favorite teachers at this school. He's funny, nice, and he makes class FUN! And even though we don't get homework in his class and don't have to take a lot of notes, he teaches us in a way that we could still know all kinds of different things about history, and you actually remember what he teaches you... Which is rare at this school. He has chocolate-colored skin, dark chocolate eyes, a warm, crooked-toothed smile, freckles around his eyes, and his hair, eyebrows, and facial hair are mostly grey or white, but still had a black tint here and there, but mainly on his facial hair. He's wearing a tan dress shirt, grey kakhis, and black dress shoes.

"Sorry, sir, but she just won't stay off of me," Travis replied. That's when I elbowed him in the shoulder and got up, which didn't do much, but still.

"Well, if I recall, you were trying to keep her from getting into class, so that must mean that you can't stay off of her," he countered, winking at me. "Now would you please take your seat?"

*YES! Take THAT, you IDIOT,* I thought to myself.

I take my seat at the back of the class and I sadly have to sit next to him. Oh well, it's not like I have every class with him. Or, at least, I hope I don't. So, since it's the first day, all we do today is introductions and going over the class rules and the school handbook. After that, we play a few rounds of "I have never," followed by a few gender-rivalry rounds of Hang-Man, Pictionary, and Charades, with the girls winning every round in every game! But when his class got over, I headed for my second class: Home Ec. But, when I get up there, I see that we have to have 3-4 people per kitchen. And guess what happened? All the kitchens were full... Except for the one with Travis in it. By himself.

Let me break it down for you: me + him + alone = bad!

Anyway, I head to my kitchen and decide to text the others so I can ignore the man I have to put up with two blocks in a row, immediately getting texts back.

How was 1st day??? -Abi

Terrible! I swear Mrs. Evans hates me!    -.-' -Stacey

Too boring... -Mikayla

Zzzzz -Tucker

Othr thn Tuckr falln asleep evry 5 mins, pretty norm -Vanessa

(To all) Sry ur day's been a drag, guys! Hate 2 brag but I jst had Mr. Emmerson and now I'm in Mrs. Smith's and I'm redy 2 cook XP -Abi

LUCKY! -Stacey

Save me sum, cuz! -Tucker

Sum1's got all the luk 2day -Mikayla

Good 4 u! But ud bettr sav sum of wht u cook 4 me, got it? -Vanessa

(To all) Lol I no. And dnt wry, I'll sav sum 4 u guys if my prtnr dusnt eat it all (aka Travis) -.-'

(From all) Travis BENSON!?!

(To all) Yep, thts the 1. How luky am I now?

Geez, Abi, cnt bleve u hav a class wth him this year -Stacey & Mikayla

Totally ironic, cuz -Tucker

That must b n epic bummr -Vansssa

(To all) The worst pt is he got held bak and is still a jr... And he has history wth me -.-' G2G the teachr is in. C u @ lunch :) -Abi

(From all) TTYL

"Alright, class, welcome to Home Ec," Mrs. Smith chimed. In all honesty, she was one of the sweetest teachers in the school. She can be bubbly, sympathetic, frantic, outraged, and any other kind of mood you can think of, depending on her day and how you treat her. She has bright blue eyes, light grey hair tied up in a bun, a British/Irish accent, and wrinkles mainly from the corners of her mouth to her chin. she was wearing a simple, white dress shirt with the sleeves pushed up, to her elbows, light blue jeans (she's one of the only teachers that's allowed to wear jeans when it isn't Friday), white sneakers, and a light pink apron with multi colored stains on it, mainly from cooking mulitple times.

"Now, since today is the first day, I'm just going to let you make whatever you want. I know you all are hopefully aware of how to work in the kitchen, so let's get to work, shall we?" That's when Travis decided to screw up. Mrs. Smith was taking attendance and counted him absent on accident, but then he stood up when she was done and scared the daylights out of her.

"Travis Benson," she shouted, "I know you got held back, but that does not mean that you can harass me!"

"I wasn't trying to, ma'am," he replied.

"Whatever. Anyway, just get to work." That was one thing I wasn't going to let him do. When it comes to cooking, I prefer to do it by myself because I get things done the way I want done faster. So, I grabbed a cookie mix and a few other ingredients together, made the dish water, got out some utensils, and got to work.


Alright, guys, so how was Chapter 2!?! Like it? Love it? Comment to let me know! PS, I'm SOO sorry if this is too short for your liking, but I've been SUPER busy lately, so I have my reasons to not update as much. But yeah, love y'all and hope y'all will join me for Chapter 3!

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