Chapter 14: Pain

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"Trav, is that you?" I ask.

"No, it's Stacey, but he's here with us. Don't worry, doll, we'll get you out of here, alri-" suddenly, there's a loud bang.

"What was that!?!"

"Uh... Abi... Travis just got hurt..."


A couple of the guys start moving the chest out of the doorway. I hear Stacey tell Abi that we were busting her out which makes me relieved. But right as we got out of the way, I somehow trip and let go of the part of the chest I was holding, causing Adam and Tyler to drop it, too, and for the darned chest to land on my foot. I groan and sit down, taking off my shoe and sock to check the damage done to my foot. I hear Abi go nuts about what happened, which made me chuckle a bit. Even with her being so hurt, she puts others before herself. But, luckily, there's only a big bruise on my foot and a small pierce from the corner hitting it, but not deep enough to make it bleed. Thank God for cowboy boots! Then I hear Stacey tell Abi what happened and them having a bicker fight. Stacey, if she's mad, then look out.


"What do you mean 'he just got hurt,'" I asked. I'm starting to freak out. What if dad came back today and hurt Travis for trying to rescue me?

"Well... You see... Uh..." Stacey stammered. Why was this so difficult to say?

"Spit it out, woman," I reply. Geez, it shouldn't be that hard to say. Unless...

"Well, um... What happened was..." I can hear her holding back a chuckle. What was so funny? "The guys were moving a chest blocking the door and... kinda, sorta... dropped it on his foot."

"That was it!?! I thought my dad came home and hurt him for crying out loud!" By then I heard the door click and the knob wiggle. I did as best as I could to push the door open and make a beeline for Travis. Never before had I been so scared in my life. I literally fell into his lap and cried into his chest.

I was finally free from that death trap.


I heard the locks click and the door open, turning my complete attention to the basement door. But, the person that hobbled through that doorway looked so different than they did a week ago. Her hair looked as if a bunch of birds had built their nests in it. Her eyes were bloodshot, baggy, puffy, and tear stained. Her face showed many signs of fatigue and fear. Her clothes were wrinkly, slightly tattered, and even blood stained. Her skin was horrendous. Bruises, gashes, cuts, scars, and blood, all new and old, painted her body.

But that only described her physical appearance. The emotions etched in her features cut me deeper than all of the physical damage. Fear, depression, despair, desprateness, and anger were only a few of the feelings that remained. But, there were a few that stood out the most. Love, hope, and faith. It hurt me deep inside to see her like this. But, seeing she had those last three feelings remaining in her helped me not break down and cry. Besides, she needed me. She collapsed into my lap and was crying in my chest for Heaven's sake.

"It's alright, Abi," I shushed her, "I'm here, you're safe." This just made her cry harder, tearing me apart. I've never seen her like this. By now, everyone else had huddled around Abi and I. The girls and Tucker were the closest, crying their eyes out. And I'm pretty glad that Tucker will cry for his cousin like this. If you think it's pathetic, then you don't know the true meaning of family. This probably tore him apart as much as it tore me apart. Maybe more. The rest of the guys were next, surrounding everyone else crying like everyone else. True friends cry for each other sometimes. Suddenly, we heard something coming from the living room.

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