Chapter 13: Search Party

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I told everyone to meet me at my truck after school. Luckily, all the guys know what my truck looks like so they can help anyone that either doesn't know or doesn't remember. When I get to my truck, everyone is gathered around it. The girls are sitting on the tailgate while the guys are all standing there. And we even managed to get Erik's little sister, Tabbi is coming along, as well.

"Alright, here's the plan," I continued, "the girls and a few of the guys will search downstairs for clues while the rest of the guys search upstairs. Now, I have one rule: no looking through Abi's bedroom unless you're in blood relation, like Tucker is." Everyone nodded, agreeing to the plan. "Alright, everyone, hands in." Everyone put their hands. "One... Two... Three..."

"For Abi!" everyone chanted, throwing their hands in the air. And that was all it took to have everyone get in their cars and drive to Abi's house.


I don't know what to do. I haven't had food in what seems like ages. I have a feeling I might have lost a few pounds, too. Too bad about my high metabolism. I'm not gonna have as much fat as someone with low metabolism to rely on. My mouth feels like the heat waves in Death Valley with the lack of water down here. There's a toilet, but no sink. Weird, right? And there is no way I'm gonna start drinking out of a toilet. Anyway, I've been searching through memories of Travis and I to make myself feel better. And, there were two that stood out a lot...



"This is Abi-gator to Trav-inator. Do you read, Trav-inator?"

"This is Trav-inator to Abi-gator. I read you loud and clear."

"Are you stationed nearby? Over."

"I'm in location 18-mega, over."

"Alright, get ready to launch, over."

"Yes, ma'am, over."

"Ready... Aim... FIRE!!!!"

Suddenly, spit balls were going rapid fire at our brothers and Lea. We had finally gotten them back for taking over the basement. They had learned their lesson, and we got our fortress back in a heartbeat.



"Travis, just take your walkie talkie and go."

"Why are you letting me keep it"

"Because I don't wanna see anything you've given me for a while."

"I see... Well, if you change your mind, I'll always have it on me."

"Whatever. Just take it and get off the place."

"Fine..." With that, he took it and left. I then took my walkie talkie and locked it up in the basement. I never want to see that thing again.



"The walkie talkie!" Once the realization came, I went in search for the mechanism in question.


I'm becoming more and more anxious with every second that passes by. I don't know what's wrong with Abi, but I have a bad feeling about it.

"What's that noise?" Stacey asks. When she says this, I finally notice a weird, staticey noise.

"I have no clue," I reply.

"It's not coming from the radio," Mikayla said.

"Check the glove box," Tucker added. I have Stacey open the glove box and the noise becomes louder.

"It's a walkie talkie," Stacey says. My heart skips a beat when I hear this. Why hadn't I thought of this before!?!

"Gimme that!" I exclaim, ripping the walkie talkie out of her hands.

It seemed rude, yes, but I have my reasons.

I turn the volume up and hear someone taking on the other end.

"This is Abi-gator to Trav-inator. Do you read, Trav-inator?"

"It's Abi!" I exclaim. The entire car is filled with hoots and hollers. Suddenly I tell them to shush and press the button to reply.

"This is Trav-inator to Abi-gator. I read you loud and clear."

"Travis, you've gotta get me out of here!"

"What's going on? I haven't seen you in a week. And get you out of where?'"

"My dad locked me in the basement a week ago. He beat me up pretty badly and threw me down the stairs locking me in and leaving on the spot and I don't know how much longer I can last." That son of a bitch. I can't believe he would do something like that. It's scaring me even more to see what condition she's in.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Just hang in there for me, okay?"

"Alright, but hurry!"

"Over and out." I then pull out my phone and call Erik. After a few rings, he finally picks up.


"Hey, Erik, tell everyone that Abi is in the basement of her house."

"How'd you find out?"

"Let's just call it a stroke of luck."

"Alright, I'll let everyone know. See you at her house."

"See ya." I then hang up the phone.

*Don't worry, darlin,* I thought to myself, *I'll get you out of there, no matter what it takes.*

We got to Abi's house and we all broke in through the unlocked front door. We went to the basement door and sure enough it was locked and blocked by an old oak chest. Us guys pushed it out of the way while the girls picked the locks with bobby pins.

I hope we can get her out of there soon.


I'm starting to hear a bunch of banging on the basement door. I hope it's Travis. I sprint up the stairs and bang on the door.

"Trav, is that you?" I ask.

"No, it's Stacey, but he's here with us. Don't worry, doll, we'll get you out of here, alri-" suddenly, there's a loud bang.

"What was that!?!"

"Uh... Abi... Travis just got hurt..."

Alright, my lovelies, I'm sorry if it took so long to update! But, the musical has finally ended (thankfully and sadly at the same time), so now I have more time to update! XD So, since Thanksgiving is like two days away, here's a list of what I'm thankful for and why.

1) My Nonbiological Family: I'm thankful for them because with my biological family becoming more and more distant, I can always have them to support me.

2) Being Able to Freely Express my Faith: I know Jesus Christ is my personal savior and has forgiven me for all my sins, and I'm thankful to share my faith with those that ask me about it. I've had my mountains and my valleys, but I know God is with me wherever I go. And that goes for all of you, too.

3) Fans/Followers: I wanna thank all of you for loving my story and reading this far. Whether you're following or just reading and commenting, without you guys, I wouldn't have a reason to write Blown Away. And I'm so glad I've made it this far in my book!

So, everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful Turkey Day! Stay tuned for chapter 14! If you wanna give a list on what you're thankful for, post it in the comments! Love you all and God Bless you all! :)

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