Chapter 3: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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Eventually, I had the cookies I was making in the oven. A couple of times, Travis tried to interfere, which I just pushed him away for. By the time I was cleaning up, he had to ask me another question.

"Is this how it's going to be all year?" he asked, "You doing all the work and me just sitting around doing nothing," he asked.

"That's how you usually like it, isn't it?" I replied with a question.

"Not really. Can't you let me do something?" When he said that, he tried to take the dirty mixing bowl I was trying to clean, which caused me to smack him in the face with a wooden spoon that had batter all over it. I didn't know and I didn't care. Luckily, nobody was paying attention, so I didn't get in trouble. But he noticed, an he countered back by splashing me with dish water. That's when we fought with soap bubbles, and we ended in a draw. We had five minutes left before the cookies were done, so we were like this for about 2-3. But what weirded me out was that I actually... had fun messing around with him. Why was that? I haven't had fun like this since I was little.

"This brings back memories," he chuckles, breaking me from my thoughts.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"You don't remember? When we were kids and you would bake in my mom's kitchen."

"Oh yeah, now I remember."



I was in the kitchen, baking a cake for Mrs. Benson's birthday, when Travis came in for the fifth time in the past five or ten minutes.

"Can I help you, please," he asked me with his puppy dog face.

"No, Trav, your mommy told me that I was responsible for making her birthday cake, and you know that I can do this by myself," I replied. Geez, boys are so annoying.

"C'mon, Dani, can't I do something," he asked again.

"Fine, go get me the sugar, but don't call me Dani" I replied. This got him excited, but when I realized that he brought me the salt instead of the sugar and started to try and put the salt in the cake, I bopped him on the head with my spoon. I didn't care if it had cake batter on it, I did it anyway.

"What was that for, Abi," he whined.

"You were going to put salt in the cake batter, dummy," I replied.

"Well, I guess that's what you get for not letting me help." That's when he saw the flour sack on the counter and took a handful in each hand and had the evilest look on his face. Then he threw the flour at me while I threw eggs and salt at him. We were doing this for so long, I totally forgot that I was making the cake. I was having fun with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, and that's all that mattered to me.


Travis and I were laughing our heads off now. What happened that day probably still got to the both of us in our own ways.

"Your mom was so mad," I said after recomposing myself.

"Yeah, I know," he chuckled, "I still find it funny that both of our moms gave us old toothbrushes to clean whatever we could reach while they cleaned everything else."

"Man, Trav, that's probably one of the funniest things we've ever done." All of a sudden, it became really quiet, and Travis had the most dumbfounded look on his face.

"W-what is it?" I asked.

"Nothing," he replied, "it's just that... you haven't called me Trav in a long time." After that, we just stared at each other until the oven started dinging, signaling that the cookies I made were done.

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