Chapter 2

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Dats Aiden guys!! {Edited}

Murmurs and whispers had awoken me from my deep slumber, my head bellowing in pain at the slight intrusion of silence. With eyes roaming my surroundings, I sensed where I was. A cell. A prison.

Why? How did I get here?

Events of the previous hours crawled themselves into my mind, allowing my intuition to make a plan of its own. I needed to get out of here, out of this hell. The cell bars were silver, made out of a weak substance that my weapons could eliminate with just a kiss.

Rise. My sword rose.

The leather grip of my gleaming sword was red, with golden linings dancing around the material, caging one snake. The Ember Snake, my family's symbol.

I sliced the feather like bars with smooth ease as I silently tip toed out of the prison grounds. An aroma of greys and blacks hit the walls of the authorized grounds I stepped on, depressing my emotions when finally, I found my exit.

My mouth slipped into thin line as I saw the obsidian that slightly coating the handles of the locked doors, forbidding me of slicing them. I planned to have the keys.

Turning around, I observe the different types of plates that lay on the kitchen, picturing their sweet delicacy crashing onto the ground, screaming as they land. I recreated my vision.

"She escaped!", I heard the husky voice of the man who claimed lies bellow.

"What?" Confusion coated the guards voice."We took every weapon off of her!" Confusion was replaced by anger. No beta ever wanted to fail his alpha, it was a sign of weakness, a sign of betrayal. A beta must always be ready to risk his life for his alpha.

Thundering steps followed into the kitchen as the Alpha appeared, his eyes glass, showing me the whirlwind of emotions displayed in his heart. My steps faltered, yet again, at the breathtaking sight he was. I couldn't hesitate, not now, not ever.

"Leave me be, and I'll leave your pack, for now." I compromised. This wasn't worth my life, killing the man that was made for me.

"No." Monotone, his voice was, leaving no room for argument. "You will not leave." My sword lay in my hand, craving for a kill, but my heart felt the exact opposite. Sleeveless, my hands were, as they revealed my ink. The floral patterns and words caged three letters. 'T.D.A'

His breathing stopped, then stared again, but faster now. His heartbeat was lightning as it thundered in and out of his broad chest. His eyes saddened, more emotions swirling through them than I had ever seen.

"The dark assassin." His velvety voice struck me with emotions I hadn't wanted to experience. "Why are you here?" The guards grabbed me by both arms so that I couldn't leave. Leave easily.

"Why do you ask such a question when you already know the answer?" I asked, pulling at my arms, attempting to free myself.

"Because I don't want it to be true." He kept his voice loud so that his weakness towards me was not present in front of his pack members. "Let her go." They obliged to his orders and freed me from their cage.

"I'm not staying with you, I'm never going to stay with you." Saying those words hurt me more than they hurt him. Why, I didn't know. I felt so lost, confused by my decisions.

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