Chapter 18

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After Aiden and I' mooing contest, which I successfully won, we decided to watch some tv and X-men. I saw this 'Storm' girl and that she had lightning powers like me, but she controlled the weather.

"Isn't it a coincidence that I have the power of lightning and energy, but Storm has the power of lightning but uses it in a different way." I asked Aiden, curious of his answer.

After a few seconds have passed, he still didn't answer me.

I look up at him since we were both sitting on the floor, me between his legs.

He was lightly snoring, his ocean like eyes were now peacefully closed as I felt his soft breath on the crook of my neck.

I happily sighed as I leaned my head on his broad chest and snuggled into him, enjoying the sparks that were flowing freely throughout my whole body.

I actually felt bad that I was doing something he didn't like, if it wasn't for the mate bond, I would already be inside that tomb of his.

Why do you think he has a tomb? Asked Movida who was as confused as I was.

'I think it has all of his ancestors that are dead.' I explained.

But why wouldn't he want you to go in there?

'That's what I'm trying to figure out Movida.' I internally said as I frustratedly sighed in Aidens chest.

Best pillow ever...

After a while, I felt my eyelids get heavier but I tried to stay awake as the movie Aiden and I were watching wasn't finished.

Soon enough, my eyelids were too heavy to keep open so I welcomed the darkness with open arms and fell asleep.


I groaned as I lifted my head from Aidens chest, surprised that he was still here.

I need to get back to my house.

I though as I stood up too quickly and groaned for the second time today as I leaned onto the couch for support.

A few seconds later, my vision was clear and in focus so I walked out the front door and into the headed to my house.

Before I exited my mates territory, I heard a giggle that was from a girl and a chuckle from a grown man.

I followed the sound of the giggles and chuckles and smiled as I heard how happy those to people were.

I sadly sighed.

At least their mate doesn't keep secrets from them about them.

The giggle and chuckles let to a beautiful garden that was filled with daisies, roses, lilies and even a pond with frogs and lili pads.

I turned around and saw the figures of two people, a man and a women.

I couldn't really see who they were so I walked a bit closer, making sure they couldn't see or sense me.

Allison and Davido.

She froze his hand and he was laughing so hard about something she said.

Both their smiles were contagious. They both looked as if they were having the most fun in the world.

"Okay... Think.... Melt.... Got it?" Was all I heard since I was too far away to hear the rest. Allison nodded and shut her eyes, not tightly, but lightly.

A few seconds later, the ice was melting an Davido's hand was finally free.

His eyes showed so much adoration and another unexplainable emotion in his blue eyes. I smiled at all the emotion he showed.

"I did it!" Shouted Allison as she embraced Davido's tall frame. He looked as if he wasn't expecting the hug as he stumbled back a bit and soon enough, returned the hug.

I shook my head and chuckled at their adorableness.

I ship them!

Soon enough, I exited Aiden's territory and walked back to my house that was too small for its own good.

I still don't remember how Nikolay and I both lived her for 7 years straight.

I sadly smiled as I flopped onto the couch, my face buried into the pillow I was currently screaming into.

I want to go into the tomb...

But I'm afraid that it will change the way I think about Aiden.

But I have to!

Do I?

I let out another loud scream that came out muffled as my small face was buried into my large pillow.

I miss my giraffe already.

I stood up and took out my cap that had a light stuck onto it.

I remember when my dad trained me on how to make stuff using natural things in the forest. I used the leaves that had sticky substances inside them and stuck the light onto the cap, when I came back home, I secured it with duct tape.

"Let's do this." I whispered to myself as I walked out of my house and got ready to walk into Aiden's territory.


One more step and I'm into Aiden's teritory.

I thought to myself as I stepped onto his territory. The border patrol guards came in seconds later. They sniffed the air and starred at me in confusion.

"The alp- I mean, uh-" I didn't know what to say because I was human and he though that I didn't know what werewolves were.

"Cut the crap, I know your werewolves, tell your alpha its Emma Stravog." I said as one of the growled. He was about to lunge at me when I quickly got out my bow and arrow and aimed at him.

"He said his coming." Said the guy I talked to in the first place.

"Tell him that I don't want him to come-" I paused to think of an excuse."Tell him that I want to figure my way into the territory myself."

He nodded and mind linked Aiden.

They all made way for me as I walked further into his territory.

I got my phone out of my back pocket and searched found the location of one of my disabled trackers.

I sighed and started walking towards the location.

Time to find out what Aiden's been hiding from me!









Hunter Mate [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon