Chapter 10

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I woke up with the worst headache of the century. I quickly checked my surroundings and found out that I wasn't kidnapped. Surprisingly, the Embers Snake venom wore of and I can actually feel my legs.

I was in a hospital room, empty hospital room that was too bright for my liking. Too much goddamn white in here.

I gasped as I remembered what occurred over the past few hours.

I went to camp choke

I swam in blood

I saw Aiden in camp choke

I met two rogues

I paralyzed myself with the Kanimas venom

I almost died


"Nikolay." I whispered to myself and allowed my silent tears to flow down my pale cheeks, "Anybody there?" I shouted. Where in the world am I?

In a matter of minutes, the door burst open and a very concerned looking Aiden entered the room, frantically looking around as if he thought he had lost me. He looked messed up.

His once soft, brown and curly hair is now all over the place. His big blue eyes now have dark circles under them and his eyes were red and puffy. He let out a relived breath and sighed.

By now Giavano (his dad), Victoria, Cyrus and Abigail (his mom) were in the white, boring hospital room.

"Where's Nikolay?" I asked, my voice barely reaching the volume of a faint whisper. I looked up to see them looking at me with sympathetic eyes,"Where's Nikolay?" I asked again, my voice much louder and more stern but anyone smart enough could here all the fear lacing my words.

Giavano looked like he was about to speak but Aiden shook his head and looked at me.

"He ran away. He's alive but he had to run away otherwise he would be hunted again." Aiden said. He looked like he was waiting for my reaction but I just looked up and smiled.

I sobbed and sobbed... But these were happy and relived sobs. Relieved that my only brother was alive and safe. Away from danger and living a life full of hiding and fear.

Aiden kicked everyone out of the hospital room and walked up to my hospital bed. He heated my cold body with his warm embrace.

"Please don't cry, I can't handle tears." he said sounding pained, as if he did something wrong.

"No, no. I'm happy. He's finally free of all danger. I mean sure, I'm kind of upset that he left and I couldn't see him but... I'm happy that he's safe and more importantly, alive." I said while smiling like an idiot.

Aiden shook his head and tightened his grip on my waist as if I would run away from him.

"So... What now?" Aiden asked, pulling away from his embrace.

"Well, I'll be living in my home.", he was about to speak when i cut him off," please, I just need some time alone. You can still visit, don't worry. I just don't know what to do about this-", I paused to point to the both of us"mate thing."

"We can work it out. Just give it a chance." He pleaded looking like a lost puppy.

"Aiden, I might never see my brother ever again because he was involved in this wolf stuff. I just need some time to think it out because I don't want that happening to me." I explained.

"That's the thing, I won't let it happen. Any of it." He stated while his thumb caressed the top of my cold hands.

He lips then captured mine. It was a soft, gentle kiss. It's like he was sending me a message, a message saying that he'll protect me from everything and weirdly enough, I did feel safe in his arms. He was about to slide his tongue into my mouth when I pulled away.

"Please, this decision is already hard enough to make and you kissing me will only make it harder." I said while my hands cupped his face. I released a shaky breath and put my hands to my sides quickly.

I ignored the addictive sparks that were flowing throughout my arms. He was addictive. Like a drug you never want to stop taking.

He let out a frustrated sigh and ran his long fingers through his messy, yet soft hair, "We helped the rest of the people and allowed them to join out pack." He proudly stated.

"What were you doing in camp choke?" I bluntly asked.


"What were you doing at camp choke?" I repeated, my voice coming out louder than expected.

"You remember when that fruit bar hit your head?" He asked. I nodded, signaling him to continue,"that was me."

I smiled the brightest smile that was probably contagious since he smiled back,"Thank you." I said while nuzzling my head into his long neck.

Talk about being a giraffe...

"What?" He asked.

"Did I say that out loud?" I embarrassingly asked. He nodded and started laughing. He wouldn't stop laughing until...

I kissed his neck...

He immediately stiffened so I gave him another kiss, and another, and another until he used his inhuman speed so that he was hovering on top of me. His eyes were pitch black. Finally, I can talk to his wolf.

"You shouldn't have done that.", Xavier; his wolf playfully growled.

"Done what?" I innocently asked.

"This.", he said as he attacked my neck with playful kisses. I giggled as I squirmed underneath his firm grip on my small waist. I involuntarily moaned and that caused his wolf to looked up at me and smirk. He went back to pecking my neck with his short kisses that really annoyed me.

Two can play this game. I rolled my hips forward and earned a satisfying groan from him.

Take that giraffe!

He then found my weak spot and started sucking on that part of my neck which made me go crazy. I could feel his canines starting to poke my neck and that caused me to stiffen.

"Xavier." I warned. He looked up at me and I shook my head,"you can't mark me, at least not yet" I stated. His eyes turned blue again, Aiden gave my sweet spot one last kiss before I scooted over to make a little space for him to lay down next to me.

I snuggled into him as I put my head on top of his broad chest. He then kissed my fore head.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here?" he asked me.

I couldn't trust my traitorous words so all I did was nod at him. I could feel his eyes softly stare at my face so I looked up at him. I enjoyed looking into his addictive eyes. They could get any girl to swoon over him. It's like I could see an ocean in his big blue eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"For what?" I asked, confused to why he was apologizing to me.

"Nothing." He whispered to me. I just shook my head and placed my head onto his chest, again. I started feeling tired again so I allowed my heavy eyelids to close and for the second time today, I slipped into peaceful oblivion.







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