➺Chapter Five

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I'm really happy right now because I've bought six new books to devour this month! I only got The Bastard of Istanbul last month so I was really lacking. But my November reading list is awesome!

-Book Thief by Markus Zusak
-What Light by Jay Asher
-The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak
-Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
-The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
-Deception Point by Dan Brown

The month before the last though, I bought a LOT of books.

-Harry Potter and The Cursed Child by JK Rowling
-Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
-Underground Time by Delphine De Vigan
- The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti
-If I Stay by Gayle Forman
-Where She Went by Gayle Forman
-I Was Here by Gayle Forman
-Maximum Ride by James Patterson
-Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
-The Grownup by Gillian Flynn
-Savvy by Ingrid Law
-Scumble by Ingrid Law
-Where The Wild Rose Blooms by Lori Wick
-Book of Saladin by Tariq Ali
-Three Nancy Drew novels

Wow, that's 17 books. I have no idea where I got that much money from considering I'm usually broke. But unfortunately for me, I like only 9 out of em. If anyone wants suggestions or wants to give suggestions, you're welcome to!


The next day, Zaeem actually felt true happiness since his father's death. His mother was arriving soon and he couldn't wait for her to return to her rightful place as the female head of the mansion. This, all of it, belonged to her. And he wanted to see her return to the life she once had. When he was little, he had made it a goal to give his mother back what she had lost. And he'd achieved that dream of his. Finally.

He went to work as usual. He had been busy for the past few days- merging his father's businesses with his own. He had sold off a few factories, the ones he had no interest in, and joined the remaining together. He had an amazing Board of Directors who handled everything nicely and swiftly. He figured in a few weeks, their main businesses could safely be transferred to the supervision of his appointed CEOs while he focused on the smaller shops. Then, his routine would be less hectic.

He returned home in the afternoon, a few moments before his mother came. It was then he remembered he had a wife- the same wife he did not know how to handle. He hadn't seen her since the morning. When he had left for work, she had still been sleeping. Now, he wondered where she was and whether she had made appropriate arrangements for his mother's arrival.

He found her in the main living room, setting up a large table with baked goods. He frowned a bit. She looked a lot better than when he had last seen her- dressed in a cotton peach full-length dress with a loose white scarf around her braided auburn hair. Her eyes had regained their sparkle and she was smiling while talking to Susie as they arranged the plates.

Susie caught his eye first. She straightened and cleared her throat. "Master," she greeted him.

Aaida turned to look at him and he felt his breathing hitch. Her wide blue eyes peered up at him and her face framed by the loose strands of dark hair which had escaped her braid. Even though he had told himself he disliked her, he would never doubt that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It was rare to see a woman look so lovely without any face paint on. And Aaida never wore any except on rare occasions such as their wedding.

She was breathtaking.


And her voice. So gentle. Respectful. Kind.

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