➺Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: I HAVE A HUGE TEST ON THE 21ST PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! Remember; a happy Lemon is a Lemon who updates. So PLEASE pray.

^ Julian Morris is playing my Mustafa. This guy looks way to innocent to be that evil dude but that's what Mustafa is all about. He looks like any other sane dude. Until he pulls out a whip, that is. Then you see the real sadistic side of him.


Aaida had snuck out of the ballroom without drawing much attention to herself. Most of the guests were too busy congratulating Lord Usman and Mustafa and the remaining were either at the refreshments' table or gossiping among themselves. Aaida asked a waiter for directions towards the washroom and as she'd predicted, the washroom had two doors- one leading to the ballroom and one outside. She knew from experience how popular these types were. Her own mother had one in their ballroom. It was for the lady of the house to constantly freshen up her makeup during the party. She would go from one side and her makeup artist from the other. In this case, Aaida was given the perfect opportunity to leave undetected.

Once she was on the other side, she paused to think about her options.

"The blood shall always replace."

She furrowed her eyebrows. Blood- did he mean her own blood? Her son had her blood flowing through his veins and he was a sort of replacement for her considering that the day she had left was when he was born. But where-

Her eyes widened.

Her bedroom!

Or at least the one Mustafa had kept her locked inside.

That was it. A smile formed on her lips. Such a simple hint.

Aaida hitched up her skirts and began racing down the hallway. If she hadn't been so focused on getting to the opposite wing of the house, she would've noticed how empty it was. She would've realized there wasn't a single guard around and how each door she passed through was wide open for her. But she didn't because all she thought of was her tiny baby, all alone and waiting for her.

She climbed up the familiar stairs and ran down the familiar path. She had walked here before. Her screams had echoed within these walls. Her blood had stained these carpets. Her old self had died here.

A shiver raked down her spine when she saw her room, the door open and a silver of light coming from inside. She stopped. Was her baby really there? Would she finally see him? Was this it? He was so close- only a few feet away. A rush of excitement washed over her.

She walked cautiously. One step. Two. Three. Her breathing was harsh due to the running she'd done and her heart threatened to rip past her chest. Reaching the door, she pushed it open.


The room was empty.

Not a living soul lay within, even the furniture was gone- the bed, the wardrobe, everything. All that remained were the lights which illuminated the room in an eerie yellow glow.

She looked around the room once. Her heart caught in her throat.

Written on the wall where the bed had once been pushed against were two simple words.

Try again

In bright red ink.

Or so she prayed.

Her hands began to tremble and she had a strong urge to run back to Zaeem and beg him to come with her. She couldn't do this alone. She couldn't face these words in that dripping red color. She couldn't stand within these walls and pretend nothing was wrong. This house would suffocate her. It would squeeze the life out of her. She had to run. She had to find her baby and fast.

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