➺Chapter Twenty-Five

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This time, Zaeem didn't hide anything from Aaida. He told her about the meeting, the plan, the contract- from start to finish. He had already done enough by hiding who Mustafa was to them. No more secrets. Aaida didn't deserve to be kept in the dark like that. She needed someone to be honest with her and Zaeem wouldn't hide information from her anymore.

She was silent for a long time. She was not reassured that their plan would work or that everything would be fine in the end. Her heart wouldn't settle. Zaeem could sense her anxiety. He took her hands in his and squeezed them lightly.

"Aaida, I know this is far-fetched but you have to trust me, all right? I'm going to do everything in my power to get our son back."

Aaida looked away. "I don't trust Azrael. I don't trust that he won't tell Mustafa about this. What if he's with them? What if he wants to trick you? What if he plans on killing you that night?"

"I have the contract for a reason, Aaida. I-"

"A contract won't help you, Zaeem," she argued. "What if he counters it with all those claims? That you married me out of force? You abused me? He's the King. We don't know him personally. He could be capable of anything."

Zaeem arched a brow. "Do I have any other choice? Can I go against the King and Lord Usman both? This isn't a fairytale, Aaida. I can't defeat them both with some magic spell. I have to take a gamble. That's what happens in real life."

"What if your gamble costs my baby's life?"

Zaeem was growing frustrated. He was already worried about the whole plan and Aaida's words weren't helping that one bit. "What if I distrust Azrael and we never get the chance to bring him back into our family?" He demanded." What if we spend our whole lives knowing that we had a son who was taken away from us and we didn't do a damn thing about it? What if Lord Usman raises our son to be a sadist? There are a million and one what if's, Aaida. I can't wait around for each of them."

"Is there no other way?" This time, Aaida's voice was a soft whisper. She realized the gravity of what she was suggesting. And she realized that if they didn't take this way out, no other door would open for them.

"I could do this by myself. Without Azrael's support. Without a solid plan or backup. And I could risk everyone's lives. Yours. Mine. Our son's."

Aaida knew then that their choice was already made.

 Azrael entered the large conference hall and ordered a mug of black coffee from his secretary. It was early and he hadn't slept much that night. His mind whirled with the possible outcomes of his plan. Would Lord Usman agree to such a marriage proposal? He would be more than eager to strengthen his connections with the King but something like this out-of-the-blue would also result in his suspicion. Azrael was offering his sister though. And everyone knew Azrael valued blood relations above all else. The only reason why he had thought of this plan in the first place.

He released a small sigh and took a sip of the bitter coffee. His lips curled into a scowl of disgust. He hated the taste of black coffee. But he also couldn't do without it. It was the only thing that kept his senses functioning properly.

"My King," the old, gravelly voice of one Lord Usman came. Azrael watched the man enter the room- his white hair and finely cut black beard, the tailored tuxedo and white bowtie around his neck. And finally, his cane. Slender and polished black with a shining emerald on top. Azrael knew what it concealed. It was no mere walking aid.

Azrael had never loathed anyone more in his life.

Following him was his one and only son. Perhaps the only legitimate one. They would never know. Lord Usman knew very well how to dispose of those who proved obstacles in his path. And bastards were the greatest hindrances. Azrael knew that very well.

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