➺Chapter Twenty-Eight

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^That's Azrael for you, guys!

I'm back, babies! With another update! WOOOOHOOOO! (I bet no one's as excited as me right now 'cause this story done been getting heated up!)  

➺Twenty Eight

Azrael met them at the front of Lord Usman's mansion. He stood tall, dressed in a black tuxedo with a black bowtie. His dark hair was slicked back and his slight beard trimmed to form a V. His blue eyes looked sharper than ever. Standing next to him was a beautiful woman in her early twenties. Her brown hair was wrapped in an up-do and she wore a red silk gown which accentuated her curves. Her dark brown eyes were striking but they held a certain hollowness in them. Zaeem didn't need three guesses to know she was the Queen.

Aaida stiffened beside him and Zaeem looked at her in surprise. She was staring out the window, up at the looming house. Her face had paled.

"Aaida," he grasped her chin in his hand and turned her face to look at his. "I'm right here. I'm right here, I swear they won't lay a finger on you."

She reached up to touch his hand. "I-I'm fine. I just need to collect my thoughts."

"Do you need a moment?"

She paused and breathed in and out slowly, trying to compose herself and push away the memories which threatened to take hold of her. A few seconds ticked by. Zaeem waited.

This time, her voice was more convincing.

"I'm fine, Zaeem."

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her forehead. "I love you."

Her shoulders sagged in relief. "Thank you."

Taking her hand in his, he led her out of the car. Azrael's guards parted when they saw them and Azrael stepped forward with a warm smile on his face.

"My Lady," he bowed to Aaida, taking her hand and kissing the back of it.

Zaeem did not miss the shadow which fell over the Queen's face. He slid an arm around Aaida's waist, pulling her against his chest. "Azrael," he greeted the King.

Azrael gave him a slight nod. "Cousin," he said in that mocking manner of his. He took a step back and gestured towards the silent woman. "This is Aria."

Zaeem noticed, with great distaste, that when Azrael spoke of his wife, he did not hold the same fondness in his voice as he did when addressing Aaida. How a man could be smitten with a woman other than his wife was beyond Zaeem.

"You must be Lady Aaida," Aria forced a smile on her face as she spoke up. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the last descendent of the Al-Makki family."

"Your High-" Aaida picked up her skirt to bow. Azrael's hand shot out to grab her wrist. His gaze had darkened.

"You do not bow to anyone of lower birth."

Aaida's eyebrows rose. "She is the Queen of-"

"You are the daughter of our founder. Titles will always bow to blood." He looked at Aria who pursed her lips into a thin line before bowing to Aaida.

"Azrael, this isn't right," Aaida argued, yanking her wrist from his grasp. "I am not-"

Azrael leaned forward, his lips above Aaida's left ear. "Your son awaits, my Lady. Let us save this trivial talk for another time."

Before Zaeem could push through them, Azrael pulled away and smiled at him. "Come. The guests await our arrival. You must remember not to reveal your true birth until after the events of the night. And Zaeem, I hope you have rehearsed your script." The meaning behind his words shone in his eyes and was not lost on Zaeem. He nodded once. Azrael's smile widened.

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