➺Chapter Thirty-Seven

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➺Chapter Thirty-Seven

Aaida couldn't remember exactly who had sprung into action first. Was it the very young judge or the rather chubby Minister a few pews away from where she stood? She remembered Zaeem's firm hold on her arm as if ready to whisk her away if anyone tried to harm her. That was before she was being scrutinized by both the Minister and the judge.

"It cannot be," the judge declared, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"She has her father's eyes," the Minister noted. Aaida had a feeling this man was close to her father. Especially with the slightly melancholic look in his gaze as he studied her.

"More than his eyes, Farris," Azrael stepped in. "Since her husband will not allow for her to remove her veil-"

Aaida wanted to argue that it was her decision to veil, not Zaeem's.

"-this will have to suffice," Azrael pulled out a picture from his coat pocket and held it in front of the judge. Aaida blanched.

The disbelief in the judge's eyes was replaced with pure awe. The Minister, Farris, had only taken a glance when Zaeem grabbed the picture, sending Azrael a death glare.

"There's a reason she veils," he growled out, sliding the picture into his pocket and away from view.

"Of course," Farris cleared his throat and straightened his jacket. "My King," he turned to Azrael. "I believe this complicates things."

Azrael smirked. "The hearing is yet to begin."

That was a cue for the judge who hurried back to his bench, slammed the podium and called for order in court after having disrupted it himself. Aaida was sitting back in her spot when her gaze met Lord Usman's. There was a hint of a smile on his face. Why did he look so satisfied? Wasn't this going to work against him? Why did he look as if he still held the upper hand?

"He's smiling to unnerve you."

Aaida nearly jumped out of her skin. Talal was so close, she hadn't realized. He moved back slightly and gestured towards Lord Usman. "That's the first sign of a good politician. They always smile as if everything is right in the world. Their world, of course. Never the masses'."

Aaida furrowed her eyebrows. "How does that make him good?"

"He's an expert in what he does." Talal shrugged. "The best, even. Azrael cannot take him down without the aid of the entire bloodline. One man. Against legions of Lady Aimen's descendants. That should tell you enough not to underestimate him. That smile? He knows he's going to be defeated. He knows he'll be killed and publicly humiliated. But he also knows he's not going to face it himself. He's going to drag down the Throne with him." Talal thrust his chin in Lord Usman's direction.

Aaida looked up just in time to see the deputy begin to swear oaths from Lord Usman and Mustafa. She waited until it was her turn and she vowed to speak the absolute truth. She had nothing to hide. No secrets. No hidden plots. She wanted justice for her child and herself and her family. She wanted to know why her father had left her and why her mother had never mentioned who he was. She wanted to know why the blood running through her veins could cause her so much pain and heartache.

The hearing began on a low note. The charges were brought forth and the Ministers had plenty to gasp and whisper about. Aaida was surprised by how gossipy the lot was. She was also shocked by the hatred laced in the judge's voice as he spoke to Lord Usman. Unexpectedly, Lord Usman didn't deny a single accusation. Talal was shocked into silence as he watched the man admit to each one of his crimes.

"He's up to something," he whispered to Aaida. "Something . . . we've missed an aspect. He has a trick up his sleeve."

Aaida could feel the panic set in. "What do you mean?"

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