➺Chapter Thirty-Two

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^Picture of Baby Zayden. Isn't he a cutie (Mashallah because he's still someone's kid and I don't wanna put nazar on the little guy)?

Chapter Thirty-Two

Azrael slipped a hand into the pocket of his trousers and pulled out his personal car keys. The ones his chauffeur was not allowed to touch. Tossing them on his desk, he took a seat and turned to the phone. He'd disconnected the wire before leaving, knowing anyone could pick up the wrong call. Clicking it on to see if he had any messages, his lips curled up into a scowl of annoyance as he heard he had over 130 voicemails. He'd only turned the damned thing off for an hour. It felt as if Adolf Hitler had be resurrected and the world was losing its mind trying to get in contact with him. He didn't bother listening through them all. Instead, he disconnected it again. Tugging his small beard, he set his thoughts on more important matters.

He'd already sent his lawyer to the Ibrahim Residence with both the contract and information on how to handle the matter. The man was the best in his line. He'd never lost a case in his life and the methods he used to convince others were amazing. Azrael had always thought he was the only one who knew how to get his way. That was before he'd met his lawyer.

But Aaida . . . Aaida was a tricky case. She wasn't as easily persuaded as he'd originally thought. It was all because of Lord Usman's foolish actions that she wasn't playing into his hands. She wasn't the same woman who had jumped at the chance to save her family from poverty. Now, she knew how to handle herself and her enemies. Azrael had been a tad bit too late in his schemes.

He was determined not to lose though. He had fought hard to gain his throne, overcoming his two older brothers. He would succeed this time as well. Aaida may put up some sort of resistance but she wouldn't be so defiant for long. He had spent his entire life crushing such stubbornness in others.

Absentmindedly, he pulled open the top drawer of his desk and picked up the manila envelope on top. Dumping its contents on the table, he sifted through them until he found what he was searching for. A small smile graced his lips.

Clear blue eyes, softer than his own.

Dark auburn hair, loose and tumbling down her back.

The slight smile on her face as she gazed to the side.

He didn't know what she was looking at or why it caused such tenderness to appear in her eyes. He refused to believe it was Zaeem.

The softness of her features tugged at his heartstrings. He had seen that innocence once before in his life.


Big brown eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

A small dimple on the edge of her right cheek.

"I heard about the statement your father released a few days ago regarding your elder brother's inheritance. Are you all right?"

Pastel colored scarves that hid her ebony-colored hair from sight.

"Azrael, I'm sorry about your brother."

That smile which managed to wipe all his sorrows away.

"Congratulations on your engagement. May you both be blessed with all the happiness in the world."

With a sigh of frustration, Azrael tossed the picture aside and raked a hand through his hair. He had already lost enough in his life. Gaining Aaida would've made up for that. Yet, it seemed impossible at the moment. Azrael begrudgingly connected the wire and picked up the phone, calling a contact he hadn't heard from in a while. The call connected on the second ring.

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