➺Chapter Nine

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ITS ONLY BEEN ELEVEN DAYS AND ALL OF YOU ARE DYING! I've been in the USA for the past week so I'm super busy here. My updates WILL NOT be regular till I get back to Pakistan.
Please do not ask me for updates repetitively. I know when I have to update and maybe you guys aren't aware of this but I have a life outside of wattpad. I have a family and friends and college and just a really demanding life. I wasn't born to give you guys updates. I get that you wanna know what happens next but be patient. Your demanding me to update isn't going to make me do it. It just annoys me instead. So please please do not leave these kinds of comments telling me that I HAVE to update. Because I really don't. Wattpad is something fun I do on the side. I don't get paid for it. I don't make a living out of it. I'm literally living such a life where I have breakfast at one house, lunch at another and dinner at a third. I haven't spent two nights in one place and there's a party every other afternoon. It's insane.
Thanks. Other then that, you guys have really been the best fans with all your love and support!


That was news for Zaeem. His jaw went slack. This man wanted to marry Aaida? Since when? When had that been decided? Had they been engaged? His mind swirled with questions and he tried to push aside the very disturbing images of Aaida married to this man.

"I . . . was not aware," Zaeem said testily, not sure how else to reply.

"Of course not," Zachary scoffed. "That's usually the response when a man finds out he stole another's to-be."

"Why would you want to marry her?"

From what he knew, Aaida was never a debutant and she did not attend many parties, balls or high teas. She hated being involved in elite class business and often times excluded herself from the many events that went on. She had always been a rather silent and shy one. How had Zachary even known about her? And to go as far as marrying her? Something wasn't clicking.

"I've known her since Jabir married Aliya," Zachary said with a small sigh. "I've loved her since we were children. Before he died, Jabir promised her to me. And then you came into the picture." He glared at the other man. "I lost her because of you. Now all I can wish for is that you take care of her as she deserves."

Zaeem pursed his lips. Did this man know how he treated his beloved Aaida? And why was he only hearing of this now? If Aaida had been promised to someone, why hadn't he known of it? Why hadn't Mahra? Since she obviously knew all that happened in the elite circles. However, if Zachary found out the real reason for their marriage and how Zaeem acted towards Aaida, he would surely be enraged. The man seemed smitten by his wife.

"We're happy," Zaeem replied with a shrug. He didn't want to indulge further into this conversation. He didn't like Zachary in the least.

Zachary hummed in response and then picked up a newspaper. Zaeem figured that was the end of their discussion. When he went home, he would ask Aaida about this man and why she had never mentioned him or their promise before. He felt a tinge of annoyance. Why did she keep this from him? And why did she act like such a martyr whenever he brought up their divorce? If this Zachary person was so adoring of her, she should be excited to get a divorce.

The rest of the time passed by with Zaeem in a sour mood. Zachary left earlier than him without a goodbye and Mahra came out soon after. They headed back home with Mahra's endless shopping bags. Zaeem admitted that she did look more refreshed and relaxed.

After dinner that evening, Zaeem went to find Aaida. Zachary had been on his mind and he wanted to get this discussion out of the way. He found her in the library, as usual, reading a book on the window seat. There was a plate of untouched food next to her. Zaeem closed the door and locked it, wanting full privacy in their conversation.

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